Page 4 - Sound Rides March 2022
P. 4
It was a good day for the triathlon with the
clouds keeping the temperature down. The
SunSmart Kids Tri was up first which was
great to watch. They have a great look of
determination on their faces, but as they
turn around to see how far the competition
is behind them, they turn where they look
& end up at right angles to the course
before they wobble back on track. Next up
was the enticers – a race for people
wanting to try (or Tri) it out. Finally the
Sprint distance came out — the serious
experienced competitors who know all the
tricks (including drafting our motorbikes to
get an advantage when riding into the
wind). I even got a wave from Mark
McGowan as I rode past his house Thanks
to the 3 other riders that helped out, & to
Dianna for organising us all. Chris
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