Page 25 - Exhaust Notes December 2022
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December 2022 Exhaust Notes  - Edition No 320                                            
                                 End of Year  Poker Run

         Sunday 18th  December   2022                              Pics and Report  by  The Lens

            Bingo/Poker Run - Words of Wisdom!!!!

            Culinary Travels! That`s what it is. This bike riding caper is only a cover for some "eatin` and drinkin`"  Hence
            todays destination being the Ocean Grove Bowling Club Dining Room. And a great lunch was had by all.
            Now the bit of how we arrived at such a place is as follows. Well the eatin` and drinkin` is shared with a bit of
            gamblin` Yep! it was our annual Bingo and Poker Run. Always the last event (ride) of the year.
            So our ride for today starts at McD`s in Waurn Ponds. With our first Bingo call and Poker card issue being
            undertaken, we set off just after 9.30. (We got away at a reasonable time)
            We wind our way through the guts of Belmont, then over through Highton, and up over the hill and down
            through Queens Park and over the Queens Park Bridge. A left turn just after the bridge and then another lefty
            into Aberdeen and down the famous Deviation Road.
            Our first stop was at the big car park (next to the Fyansford Hotel) with a rotunda and toilets.
            Second "Bing" call and "Po" card issue and we are off out through Fyansford and down the famous Merrawarp
            Rd. a right and then left down my favorite road (Andersons Rd.) that happens to be signed as "Local Traffic
            Only" We are a radicle mob are we not?!!
            So a bit of a zig zag and we arrive at the park (toilet and rotunda) opposite the Moriac shop. Another card pull
            and one member dashed over to the shop for a Coffee and cake, and then we is off!!!
            So south out of Moriac and a righty then a lefty down the (also) famous Forest Rd. all the way to the Anglesea
            Rd, with a change of direction towards the north with a diversion through Bells Beach and into the Jan Juc area.
            Slipped around the west side of Torquay, crossed the Geelong Rd at South Beach Rd and zig zagged through
            Breamlea, around the block and along the (another famous) 13th Beach Rd. I`d love a dollar for every time we
            have been down that road. Then over the Barwon Heads Bridge and straight on to the Ocean grove Bowling
            club. To save time (our lunch booking was for 12.30) I decided to miss our 3rd stop of the day and motor directly
            to our munchie stop. We did a card pull in the carpark and then dashed in for our Culinary delights!!
            So after lunch we all gathered in the corner of the Dining room and did the last of the Bingo draw until someone
            claims they are the winner. Strict instructions were issued to all participants, if anyone yelled "Bingo" they were
            going to get a smack. If they won, just yell out anything but "Bingo" Why? Beats me!
            Now if you need to borrow some cash, the following people are the ones to chase!
            The winners are-
            Bingo- 1st place-   Ken. -  Wins a $150 voucher from Twisted Moto.
                        2nd place- Sandra - Wins $75 cash
                        3rd place- Equal between Mark and Corrie winning $15 each.

            Poker- 1st place- Peter H. Wins a $150 voucher from the Bike Shed.
                        2nd place- Leigh wins $75 cash.
                        3rd place- Mark (yep! same Mark) wins $50 cash.
            A very big thank you must go to Mal for organizing the cards and prizes along with Gentle. Phil also helping out
            on the day calling the B. numbers and issuing cards. Thanks so much.
            We had approx. 20 bikes (2 pillions) and 1 car with about 30 people seated for the meal. A fantastic turn out.
            Thanks to all for making it today.
            And also thanks to Pat for undertaking the "sweep" I.E. Tailend Charlene. Thanks Pat.  ( I think the off-road
            bikers call the Dude that follows along behind the "Sweep") The carpark at Fyansford was gravel so I guess we
            was off-road!!!
            That`s it, I`m gunna push the send button now!!
                             The Poker Run King AKA The Lens

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