Page 30 - Exhaust Notes December 2022
P. 30
December 2022 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 320
Geelong Ulysses Club Forumotion Links for this Month.
Composed by Jules Pearce - President Geelong Ulysses
• Short Ride to the Flying Brick Coder Company
• Social get together at Man Bo just over a week ago. It includes a rare shot of “The Lens” himself!
• Ride to the Kingston Pub for lunch.
Here’s a link to some pics from Wednesday’s (14 December) ride.
Our last ride event for the year was an absolute ripper!
Huge thanks to Peter Barclay and Mal Stapleton for the work that they each put in organising such a successful and fun
event. Not only did Peter organise and lead the ride aspect of the day, but he’s also written the Ride Report and supplied
most of the photos …. an amazing effort and commitment to our Branch! Thanks also to Ron Howell and Phil Rousseaux
who assisted Mal with managing the cards and bingo numbers. Congratulations to all the winners!
As always, feel free to leave comments or “Likes”. You will need to log in to do so.
Merry Christmas
Jules Pearce
President Geelong Branch
0401 003 465
Member # 62715
Ulysses Clubs’ Newsletters on Facebook.
If you would like to read what other clubs around Australia are doing, go to this link. Paul
Butler (VBC) has done an excellent job of bringing together news from other clubs.