Page 3 - Exhaust Notes December 2022
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December 2022 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 320
Ulysses members. Many thanks to Ron Howell for organizing the accommodation, ride
route and meals bookings for our crew
• Another outstanding event that Ron organized was the visit to the Narana Aboriginal
Cultural Centre. It was a great success and his daughters and granddaughter’s’ choir
singing for us was a truly memorable experience
• Social events / dinners. Mal Stapleton has done a terrific job arranging a variety of
social functions. The twilight ride to dinner at the Farmers Arms in Birregurra, lunch at the
Little River Hotel, dinners at Mr Matteo, the 13 Beach Golf Club and Man Bo restaurant
have all been a huge success and have been really well attended. No exception to this was
last Sunday’s (Dec18th) Poker & Bingo ride with lunch at the Ocean Grove Bowls Club. Mal
S and our lensman Peter Barclay organized and ran an excellent event that was very well
attended and lots of fun. Thanks also to Ron Howell and Phil Rousseaux for helping Mal
with managing the poker and bingo on the day. My heartfelt thanks Mal and Peter for your
ongoing commitment to the Geelong Branch
• Sold Chuck Wagon – members voted on its future and it was sold, thus saving
registration, insurance and the ongoing problem of storage. It was 21 years old and from a
different era when the Branch was huge and there were no regulations around food
handling requirements etc. Thanks to Graham Aitken for his work in facilitating this
• Auctioned memorabilia T-shirts and items that had been in storage for 6 years and
could no longer be kept in one member’s garage. The ownership of these items is now
dispersed amongst the Branch membership
• A new member has produced a new Geelong Branch Facebook page that is viewable
to anyone searching FB for Geelong Ulysses information. See
UlyssesGeelong. He’s also prepared an information pack for potential new members. Many
thanks to James Rousseaux for input, insights into attracting younger members and for
agreeing to store the club’s bike trailer at his home.
• The Saturday morning ‘Tyre Kick’ has continued despite this year’s dreadful winter
weather, thanks to the club stalwarts who show up each week
• Wednesday rides – formal and informal are going from strength to strength. Mark and
the regulars (that’s code for retired) have kept them vibrant. Thanks also to Mal for
arranging new hi-vis vests with the Geelong branch logo for our ride leaders and TEC
• The Branch has maintained a strong financial status having received payment for
providing motorcycles for various roles at the Geelong Triathlon and GOR Marathon. A
huge thanks to all who contributed to our fundraising by supporting these events and
especially to those who have done it many times. I suggest that you check out our
member’s involvement via the pics at
triathlon-sunday-20-feb-2022 and
• Some of the funds earned have gone back to Branch members by way of subsidizing
meal costs at random Branch social dinners
• Ongoing Vic Roads Liaison. Terry Fraser has been quietly working in the background
to advocate for repairs of hazardous regional roads … with an ever-changing cast of
contacts at Vic Roads to deal with!
• The Exhaust Notes is going strong and as a former editor I thank Stan Kluzek for
taking the Exhaust Notes to the next level – both in content and the formats in which it can
be viewed. We also welcomed a new advertiser on board, namely Twisted Moto in West
Geelong. Thanks to Ron Howell for teeing them up and to Russell Rankin for following up
on their payment in vouchers recently. I’ve recently spoken with another business who is
also considering advertising with us in 2023