Page 8 - Exhaust Notes December 2022
P. 8
December 2022 Exhaust Notes - Edition No 320
Ride to Remembers Ararat 4/5 February 2023. Bookings online are now open. Book for Saturday lunch with
Mal Stapleton by 8 January 2023.
Lucky Draw: Peter Townsend, not present ,so Jackpots to $200 next meeting.
Ride Reports:
Rides from the past month:
Sun 23/10, Sunday Ride to Guildford, 320km, Led by Jules Pearce
RIDE CANCELLED due to poor weather and road flooding and other hazards.
Sun 6/11, Sunday Short ride to Portarlington, 90km, Led by Dennis Petersen
12 riders, 1 pillion, 2 partners by car.
Enjoyable ride via Barrabool Hills, Barwon Heads and Ocean Grove.
Members enjoyed a good Sunday roast at the Golf Club.
W-Th 9-10 Nov, Midweek Overnighter – Great Ocean Road Ramble, 2 days
Led by Mark Nicoll
13 members enjoyed a beautiful sunny, warm day along the GOR.
A couple of minor bike stoppages, with minimal delays.A fun night at Mickey Bourke’s Pub in
Koroit, overnight and brekky next morning.
A very wet day heading home via Timboon and Colac.
One other member joined us for dinner in Koroit. And Jimbo from Portland joined us for the
second day’s ride home.
Rides for the next month:
Sun 20/11, Sunday Ride to Kingston (pub meal), 290km, Led by Gentle
Sun 4/12, Sunday Short Ride to Wallington (Flying Brick Cider Co.), 90km Led by Rob
Wed 14/12, Midweek Ride to Creswick, 315km, Led by Peter Townsend
Sun 18/12, Social Ride – Annual Poker/Bingo Run, Not far…, Led by Peter Barclay
Welfare Report:
Member P. Townsend had an off and broke his ankle and is now on the mend.
General Business:
New member James Rousseaux gave a rundown on a Facebook page as a place to
promote the club and provide information for potential members.
Club Person of the Year nominations are now open until 18 January 2023; please email
to Paper slips for nomination also available, please see
2023 Branch AGM will be held on 15 February 2023. Notice and nomination forms will be
sent out this week along with Position Descriptions for the various committee roles.
Motorcycle Apprentice of the Year applications have closed, but interest has been
lacking. Branch needs to be more proactive in promoting entrants.
Jules Pearce raised the matter of more stories for future editions of Exhaust Notes,
similar to that from our Editor Stan Kluzek, in the current edition of Exhaust Notes, or a
simple profile of a members as has been promoted previously. Please think about and
submit direct to Stan K at