Page 2 - TheRiderMarch
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Presidents Words Continued
20 February 2022 We did have our Xmas camp over at Swansea in
late November followed by Xmas lunch in early
A perfect day. It started at 8:00am with a routine run through December. 2022 so far has been marred by heavy
Dooralong, Mandalong, Morisset, Barnsley and Millers Forest. rain again, but the RPG have got together again &
planned a ride agenda for the rest of 2022 with
The real ride began at Clarence Town. Heading north via Glen
some great new rides coming up including Ulysses
William Road, we rolled along smooth road and took in views of
AGM in Warwick Queensland & overnight rides
lush green countryside. Somebody's gotta do it. planned to Hill End & Tea Gardens.
Pine Brush Road took us across the first rattly plank bridge of the
Hopefully we will have tyres rolling this year!
day (Banfield Bridge). Turning left into Alison Road brought us to
the second (Thalaba Bridge) beneath an archway of shady trees.
Unfortunately due to not many rides & social
Some of the cattle grazing peacefully in the paddocks gave us a meetings in Covid affected club restrictions, we
have not been able raise much money for charities.
casual glance as we rolled by. Rolling on through Dungog, we
But we can still be social together!
turned west via Sugarloaf Road and
I want to thank the committee & RPG for every-
Bingleburra Road. Sweeping curves left, right, up and down with thing that they done & tried to do in the last 12
panoramic views of the landscape. We descended into Gresford months & I look forward to the next 12 months,
riding, socializing & having fun with the new com-
and stepped off the bikes to stretch our legs.
mittee, RPG and all club members!
Back on the bikes we rolled along Glendonbrook Road and Wheels Rolling in 2022!
Elderslie Road, then into Branxton at 1:00pm for lunch and Mark Q #61963
cheerful chatter.
The run home past the wineries, through Cessnock and Freemans Secretary Words
Waterhole rounded out the day with 397.5km on the clock. Great
Hi all,
day out.
Good to see so many of you at our AGM and out
Gav #65483 on the road.
We have had excellent rides so far this year and
the Ride Planning Group has the rest of the year
organised. Great rides and several overnighters so
come along and join in. They are always fun and
you get to keep the great memories.
I'm going to Warwick AGM so will bring back infor-
mation and let you know what the national Ulysses
is planning for the year.
Keep smiling, keep riding,
Karen # 68435