Page 23 - RidingOnSummer
P. 23

Warwick - The Horsepower capital of Australia
          2022 - Ulysses Club National Rally
          Monday 4 April to Sunday 10 April 2022

                                                    RALLY REGISTRATION
                                                      YOUR DETAILS
           SURNAME             FIRST NAME          MEMBER NO.         BRANCH              PHONE NO.

           7 DAY REGISTRATION     $ 125.00                 OR         3 DAY REGISTRATION    $ 100.00
                                           YOUR GUEST/ADDITIONAL MEMBER DETAILS
           SURNAME             FIRST NAME          MEMBER NO. IF APPLICABLE  BRANCH       PHONE NO.

           7 DAY REGISTRATION $ 125.00             OR                 3 DAY REGISTRATION  $ 100.00
                                                                       TOTAL Registration   $
           7 days – Campsite unpowered 6m x 6m     Tick one -                Camping     or                 RV
                                                           Main Registrant                $120.00
                                       Include guest staying on the campsite with you  Add  $ 60.00
                                     ,QFOXGH PHGLFDO SRZHU  PHGLFDO FHUWL¿FDWH UHTXLUHG   Add  Free
                                                                              TOTAL CAMPING  $
           7 days – Campsite unpowered 6m x 12m     Tick one -                Camping     or                 RV
                                                          Main Registrant                 $140
                                   Include guest staying on the campsite with you     Add  $60.00
                                ,QFOXGH PHGLFDO SRZHU  PHGLFDO FHUWL¿FDWH UHTXLUHG    Add   Free
                                                                             TOTAL CAMPING   $
           3 days – Campsite unpowered 6m x 6m  (entry from Thursday 7/4/22)   Tick one-         Camping or             RV
                                                          Main Registrant                 $80.00
                               Include 2nd Person staying on the campsite with you    add  $ 40.00
                                ,QFOXGH 0HGLFDO SRZHU  PHGLFDO FHUWL¿FDWH UHTXLUHG    add  Free
                                                                             TOTAL CAMPING  $
           3 days – Campsite unpowered 6m x 12m  (entry from Thursday 7/4/22)   Tick one-          Camping or             RV
                                                          Main Registrant                 $100.00
                                   Include guest staying on the campsite with you     Add  $ 40.00
                                ,QFOXGH PHGLFDO SRZHU  PHGLFDO FHUWL¿FDWH UHTXLUHG    Add  Free
                                                                             TOTAL CAMPING   $
           7 days – Tent City (Tent city bookings close 17 March 2022)
           Includes the hire of a pre-erected tent equipped with 2 single beds, mattresses, a LED lights and 2 chairs.
                                                          Main Registrant                 $400.00
                               Include 2nd Person staying on the campsite with you    add  $60.00
                                ,QFOXGH 0HGLFDO SRZHU  PHGLFDO FHUWL¿FDWH UHTXLUHG    add  Free
                                                                              TOTAL CAMPING  $

           I/we require access to a disabled toilet or shower in the campground                                        please tick
           I/we require Disability Parking and hold a permit issued by a government authority                    please tick
           (Disability parking permit to be shown at the Rally when checking in)

                                                                                                   RIDING ON 23
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