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هللا دبع نب دمحم يديس ةيوناثل ةيمقرلا ةلجملا
                    يناثلا ذذعلا
               2023 يناثلا ذذعلا        هللا دبع نب دمحم يديس ةيوناثل ةيمقرلا ةلجملا

             secondary it changes your thoughts  he  can’t  find  any  information  you

             and your mentality. if you if you  look far it’s a source of knowledge

            used to watch driller and fake infor-  monitor do  case to  Tom  with your

             mation’s and you together and you  friends and family no matter how far

             the opportunity to compare yourself they are

             with others instead off focusing on
                                                              shamley  be  careful  with your  use
             yourself to improve because losers
                                                              this dual edge sword exploit it with

            focus on the successful and the sex-
                                                              the moderation and rationality  for

             iest in focus on the gaol, so don’t be
                                                             .having a  healthy relationship with it

             a loser by comparing yourself with

             others ask where I am concerned

             I believe that is something his free

             you  are  not  the  customer  you  are

             the product social media steals your

            time depraved you’re full from de-

             pression focusing on your goals on

             your job it’s like a depression  and

             a distraction that prevents you from

             productivity and creativity the list is

            very long

             social media provides services too.

             it’s possibly this communication you
             can search for anything you want
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