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هللا دبع نب دمحم يديس ةيوناثل ةيمقرلا ةلجملا
2023 يناثلا ذذعلا هللا دبع نب دمحم يديس ةيوناثل ةيمقرلا ةلجملا
يناثلا ذذعلا
F ace b o o k, I n s t a g ra m overcharging on social media can be
Facebook, Instagram
JADJIGUA BOUALI dangerous. It can attack our privacy.
Also overusing leads to spending too
much time on social media which can
deviate children from their studies.
Respect principal teachers, and my Sometimes fake news is also spread
dear friends, very good morning to all with it’s help disturbing the people. In
of you. Today I am addition, the usage of
going to speak on social media can also
the topic of social have a negative im-
.media pact on health moor
of the users get lazy
As we all because of the ex-
know that social cessive use of social
media platforms network which in re-
like Facebook, Ins- sult brings deader in
tagram, Twitter, our routine fide the
and WhatsApp are second dead rating is
gaining importance a waste of time. And
these days as they yes the social media
are connecting peo- is very effective for
ple worldwide with students in a negative
just a click of a but- way because they
ton. There are vari- spend a lot of time on
ous advantages of social media and they
social media. It is full of information suffer from more problems for exam-
and helps in providing education. It ple: depression, sleep problems, eat-
is a great device for education. It has .ing concerns, and suicide risk
made live education possible. There
is various news -related applications. In short, social media has it s advan-
Social Media has also created oppor- tages and disadvantages. It is up to us
tunities for people such as to show .how we use it
their talents. It is also great for adver- .Use it wisely
.Thanks you
It has disadvantages too. The 38