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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                                                                    םייח ץפח רפס
                                   Hilchot Esurei Rechilut                                                              תוליכר ירוסיא תוכלה
                                    Kelal Tet  -  Halachah 15                                                              וט הכלה  -  ט ללכ

                this is an extremely profound sin since he is slandering him.  All of                                      םייח םימ ראב
                the Laveen and Aseen brought down in the Introduction are relevant
                to this speaker (relevant to this merchant).                                           ז"י ףיעסב 'י ללכב 'א קלחב ליעל 'יע .רבד השענ )טל(

                One  must  be  extremely  careful  in  these  kinds  of  matters  not  to              יכ ,ויטרפ לכב ורוקמו הזה ןידה תא עדתו םייח םימ ראבב
                disclose the identity of this second buyer even if this merchant takes                 םג ךייש ר"השל ןינעל ןנירייאד םש םיכיישש תורבסה לכ
                the blame himself, saying: “I am the one who made a mistake in this
                matter since he (the second buyer) did not know anything about the                                     .תוליכר ןינעל וננינעב
                deal that you and I agreed to,” because it is very possible that this
                admission will still provoke a sense of hatred in the heart of this first
                buyer for the second buyer.  He will think that this second buyer is                                          :ה"הגה
                stealing his livelihood.  The most the merchant should say to the
                second buyer is: “I mistakenly sold it to someone else.”                               ןכּ םגּ אוּה היה םִא ןינִעל ןידּה הזִּמ אלּקֻ תוֹרוֹהל אלֶֹּשׁ ,רהזִּל שׁי ךְא *
                                                                                                       םיניּעְמוּ םיִבְשׁוֹיֶּשׁ ,ריִעה יבוֹט ןינִעבּ יוּצמֶּשּׁ המ יִפל ,ןוֹגכּ ,ןייוּנְמה ןִמ
                                    Be’er Mayim Chayim                                                 ,הז ןינִעבּ םהמִּע םיִכּסִה אלֹ אוּה םִא וּלִּפא ,ריִעה יֵשׁנא תגהנה רבדְִבּ
                                                                                                       ךְא ,ןבוּארְ דגנ אוּהה ןינִעבּ וּמיִכּסִהֶשּׁ המ אוּה ןגֹהכּ אלֶֹּשׁ וֹתְּעדּ יִפלוּ
                (RK9/15/1)-(41)  ..  a  serious  sin:  Please  reference  the  Choshen
                Mishpat, section #237 regarding the law pertaining to someone who steals               םגּ םִא ,וֹלאוֹשׁו ןבוּארְ אבּ ךְכּ רחאו .וֹתְּעדּ תא וּלְטִּבוּ וילע וּבּרַ םה
                away another person’s livelihood.                                                      רוּסא )מ( ןכ יִפּ לע ףא ,הזבּ וֹדְשׁוֹח ןבוּארְֶשׁ ףא ,הז ןינִעבּ הָתיה וֹדי
                (RK9/15/2)-(42) .. since the merchant did sell it to this second                       לכו ,הזּה רבדּה תא יִתיִשׂע אלֹ ינא :ןוֹשׁלבּ וּלִּפא ,ביִשׁהל ןידּה ןִמ וֹל
                buyer and received money for the purchase:   I chose this example                      וּנרְאבֶּשׁ וֹמכוּ ,הז רוּבע ירֵקְִמ לכוֹרו ,םמְשׁ תא שׁוּרפבּ תוֹלּגל ןכֶּשׁ
                because it happens often.  This same law applies even if it was legally sold
                to the second buyer, even without having received payment for it.                              .בֵטיה םָשׁ ןיּע ,א"י ףיִעס 'ב ללכּ 'א קלחבּ ליֵעל
                More than this, it seems obvious that even if the seller (went and came)
                was trying to get the money and the second buyer went to get the money,
                still  he  should  not  disclose  his  identity  to  the  first  buyer  since  if  this                    םייח םימ ראב
                second buyer brings this money within the time he specified, he would
                retroactively have acquired that merchandise since he acquired it before               א"יס 'ב ללכ 'א קלחב ליעל ןייע הזל רוקמ .ול רוסא )מ(
                when  he  symbolically  took  it  into  his  house,  as  the  Choshen  Mishpat
                (section # 190, paragraph #16) lists this as a valid means of ownership                                       .ח"מבב
                acquisition.    Therefore  necessarily  at  this  moment  nothing  useful  can
                come from disclosing to him the name of the second buyer; only senseless
                                                                                                                            םייחה רוקמ
                (RK9/15/3)-(43) .. whatever reasons that he had (43):  Sometimes
                because  this  second  buyer  is  an  acquaintance  or  friend  and  sometimes       ,םיִשׁנא הבּרְה הזבּ ןיִלָשׁכנֶּשּׁ המ ראבל אוֹבנ הָתּעו .וט
                because  this  second  buyer  wants  to  buy  from  him  a  lot  more  other
                merchandise together with this merchandise or because he paid the seller             .הזבּ אצוֹיּכּ לכל ליִכְּשׂמּה שׁיקִי וּנּמִּמוּ ,דחא רוּיִּצ ריּצאו
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