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Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus, 1758)                                  Monarch                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21603-BRACHA-PARPAR | 3 - A | 22-01-02 | 12:34:17 | SR:-- | Cyan   #21603-BRACHA-PARPAR - 21

 2QH  RI  WKH  PRVW  IDPRXV  EXWWHUÁLHV   ZHOO  NQRZQ  E\  LWV  KXJH   calculated Fst using the 5 loci and again found that your                                                                                                                                 3
 migrations from N America to Mexico in the autumn and after   sample is highly genetically differentiated from all the other
 overwintering in communal roosting of millions, same adults   populations. However with a sample size of 1 there is not   © Stav Talal
 Á\ EDFN WR VRXWKHUQ 1 $PHULFD LQ VSULQJ  0\ ÀUVW DFTXDLQWDQFH   much power to be sure of these Fst values.” She also added
 with the Monarch dates back to the mid 1950’s when my high   that “It might be expected from founder effect and genetic
 VFKRRO  ÀQDO  SURMHFW  ZDV  D  )LHOG  *XLGH  WR  WKH  %XWWHUÁLHV  RI  0W   drift have originated in Belize/Central America”.
 Carmel (Haifa, Israel). Lacking any English reference book my   2WKHU RSLQLRQV
 parents visited Ringart’s bookshop in downtown Haifa where   “Her answer and the numerous speculations: FRQWDPLQDWLRQ”   © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini  © Stav Talal  ©Dubi Benyamini
 WKH\  FKHFNHG  %ULWLVK  EXWWHUÁ\  ERRNV  DQG  RUGHUHG  (   %   )RUG·V   – A. M. Shapiro; “+\EULGL]DWLRQ with D. erippus, DUULYDO ZLWK VKLS, infection
 %XWWHUÁLHV  &ROOLQV         UG (G    ,W WUDYHOHG D IHZ ZHHNV E\ VKLS   by ZROEDFKLD”- (Gerardo Lamas). Mario Elgueta the curator of Lepidoptera in
 to Israel and arrived just in time to help me complete my duties   the Chilean Natural History Museum speculated that: “2FFDVLRQDO DUULYDOV
 to the high school. I hold this copy right now in my hands and   to Chile of sole specimens are frequent and inclusive; there are evidences
 its yellowish-brown pages tells my story of admiring thirty eight   of some insect arrivals as far as from the West Pacific (i.e. dragonfly Pantala
 plexippus specimens that were observed in the UK in 1933 and   flavescens) and from the north too (i. e. Ascalapha odorata)...”
 minute proportion..of a great migratory swarm..which survived..
 the swell..”. Ford (1945: 158) supported his view of cross Atlantic
 Ocean migration by “two pieces of evidence”: Monarchs that   &KLOH  © Dubi Benyamini             © Dubi Benyamini
 were observed or collected on steamers 200/300 and 800
 N.A  Bel.  CR   S.  PR   Aruba Ecu   BM  Spain Port Mor.  Hawaii   Pacific Islands
 miles respectively west of Glasgow and Queenstown over the   Florida
 Atlantic ocean. This was about 40 years before Urquhart’s (1976)   N.A. - North America,   Bel. - Beliz,   CR - Costa Rica,  PR - Puerto Rico,  Ecu - Ecuador,  BM - Bermuda,
 discovered the overwintering of the Monarchs in Mexico and 60   3RUW   3RUWXJDO   0RU   0RURFFR   3DFLÀF ,VODQGV   6DPRD  )LML  1HZ &DOHGRQLD  $XVWUDOLD  1HZ =HDODQG
 years before the well documented cross Atlantic migration to   %LRORJ\
 Western Europe (Coombes et al., 1995; Hensle, 2002). DB own
 experience of collecting, observing and breeding Monarchs out   )OLJKW SHULRG  warm months of the year, adult’s overwintering
 of North America took him to the Canary and Madeira Islands in   in the northern hemisphere.
 the N Atlantic Ocean, a dead specimen in Port Stanley, Falkland
 islands S Atlantic Ocean (D. p. erippus), Kauai Hawaii islands and   /LIH KLVWRU\  QRW UHFRUGHG LQ WKH /HYDQW   polyvoltine, white
 0RRUHD LVODQG )UHQFK 3RO\QHVLD LQ WKH 3DFLÀF  31*   DQG PRVW   barrel shaped pointed upwards eggs 1 mm high with 18-20
 surprising a male collected by the author in Copiapo, 700 km   vertical ribs are laid singly on all parts of the hostplants but   © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini  © Walfgang Wagner
 N Santiago, Chile in 14 August 1994 - illustr. Prof. A. M. Shapiro   SUHIHUDEO\ XQGHU LWV OHDYHV DQG ÁRZHU EXGV  WXUQV JUH\ EHIRUH
 (UC Davis, USA - pers. comm. to DB) described this possible cross   eclosion 5-7 days later. L1 is 2.5 mm long, off white with lateral
 SDFLÀF PLJUDQW RI      NP IURP 3RO\QHVLD  7DKLWL  RU RQO\        rings of short black setae and black glossy head, it will attain 50
 + km from Pitcairn Islands to S American shores as Benyamini’s   mm long L5 in two and a half to three weeks in lab. 25°C.  The
 greatest discovery in all his 70+ years of Lepidopterology. In the   fully grown toxic larva has warning coloration of its segments
 Mediterranean they established permanent population hold in S   in transverse black – white – yellow or yellowish-green bands
 Spain in 1979. Their potential of super-long range expansions,   WR DOHUW LWV SRWHQWLDO SUHGDWRUV  W\SLFDO EODFN ÀODPHQWV H[LVW LQ
 ceremonial releases in the Mediterranean e.g. Pafos, Cyprus in   segments 2 and 11, the head is black with yellow strips. The
 19 October 2013 (John, 2015), their numerous LHPs especially   pendulous papa is 25 mm long, bluish-green with gold spots
 of Apocynaceae (ex Asclepiadaceae) (e.g. Cynanchum acutum,   ring in its widest diameter between the thorax and the abdomen,
 Calotropis procera and cultivated Asclepias  &  Gamphocarpus   and it will hatch after 9-10 days at the same lab. temp.
 spp.) in the warmer parts of the Mediterranean and the global
 warming-up, list the monarch high among future permanent new   3RWHQWLDO     5HFRUGHG  KRVWSODQWV: same Apocynaceae (ex   © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini  © Dubi Benyamini
 species in the Levant.      Asclepiadaceae) as for Danaus chrysippus with preference to
 wild Cynanchum acutum & Calotropis procera and cultivated/                  1                          2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
 &URVV 3DFLILF PLJUDWLRQ WR &KLOH DQG '1$ UHVXOWV   invasive Asclepias, Gomphocarpus & Araujia spp.
 Mrs  Amanda Ashley of the University of North Carolina,
 Biology Dept. who analyzed a leg of the Copiapo Monarch   &RQVHUYDWLRQ  6FRWW             ZDV DPRQJ ÀUVW UHVHDUFKHUV
 wrote: “The DNA yield and quality was unfortunately quite   to worn that overwintering Monarchs loose defence because
 low and this is after trying two different extraction methods.   of on-going decline in their toxicity. While the larvae and
 However, I was still able to get data for 5 microsatellite loci   adults are protected in most cases from predators by its toxic
 to compare this sample with our other worldwide samples.   cardenolides they cannot survive the Anthropocene-induced
 I’ve attached a STRUCTURE plot made using the 5 loci...The   terrible population decline that is on-going for several decades
 Chilean sample is at the end. Shockingly, your sample is   and even accelerated in the 21st century; e.g. Pelton (2019)
 unlike any of the other Monarch samples we have genotyped   described the winter/early spring 2018 decline of US west
 from around the world. In fact it consistently groups as its   coast Monarchs as “population crash”. We will deal with this
 own population even if I try to “trick” STRUCTURE and tell   JOREDO WKUHDW IRU EXWWHUÁLHV LQ 9RO ,
 the program that it is from the same sampling location
 as another population (for example, for one analysis I   'LVWULEXWLRQ
 indicated that your sample was from New Zealand to see   7/   ´3HQQV\OYDQLDµ   1     &  $PHULFD  WR  3HUX   +DZDLL     3DFLÀF
 if STRUCTURE would try to group it along with the other   Islands; New Zealand; Australia: PNG; India; Sri-Lanka, Azores,
 New Zealand samples, yet STRUCTURE was consistent   Madeira, Canary & Cape Verde Atlantic islands; Portugal;
 in identifying that it is actually quite different). I also   S Spain; Ireland; UK; France / W Europe, Greece, Cyprus   © Stav Talal  © Shalev  Weisman  © Moshe Sahar
 calculated Fst using the 5 loci and again found that your   (occasional migrants in W&S Europe except S Spain).

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 2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   36  12/30/2021   4:21:21 PM  2Butterflies of the Levant danaidae satyridae.indd   45  12/30/2021   4:21:58 PM
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