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Sefer Chafetz Chayim                  םייח ץפח רפס                                                                                                                            6 VOL-3
 Hilchot Esurei Lashon Hara        ערה ןושל ירוסיא תוכלה
 Kelal Zayin  -  Halachah 11            י הכלה -  ז ללכ

 nevertheless Shemuel says later on that we believe him (Tzevah) because    ןב  היא  ומצעב  דוד  ולאשש  ומכו  השעמ  תעשב
 of the strong circumstantial evidence (the evidence against Mephiboshet).
                       דודל כ"ג רתומ היה דבל ז"יעד ברל ל"סו ךינודא
                       רבכ אצמש ינפמ קר תשוביפמ לע אביצל ןימאהל
 Daily Halacha: Leap Year-5 Kislev, 14 Adar II, 24Tammuz
                       ול ןיא בושד ברל ל"ס אביצל ןרקש תרחא םעפב
 Mekor Hachayim        ולאכ  תצק  םירכינ  םירבד  י"ע  אביצל  ונימאהל

 K7/11.  But this must literally be strong circumstantial evidence,    *'וכ אוה ארקישד הייזח ידכמ רמאק ךכלו
 namely that it is directly relevant (26) to the subject of the remarks
 and  that  he  (the  speaker)  saw  the  evidence  himself.    But  if  the    היב אזח םירומג םירכינה םירבדד ובישה לאומשו
 circumstantial  evidence  is  not  directly  related  to  the  remarks,    היאר היהי כ"או( ו"כ ק"סב ןמקל בותכנש ומכ
 that the circumstantial evidence is flimsy, or if he did not see the
 circumstantial  evidence  firsthand  but  only  heard  about  it  from    ר"השל לבקל רתומ כ"ג תצק םירכינ םירבד י"עד
 someone else (27) then there is no basis for believing the Lashon    ןושארה ץוריתכ סופתל שיו )םינפב ש"מכ אלדו
 Hara at all.          ןיא  ינווג  לכבו  אוה  אתיירואד  אקיפסד  אנידל

                            .שממ םירכינ םירבד י"ע אל םא ןימאהל
 Be’er Mayim Chayim
                       'וכו הייזח ידכמ רמאק יכהלד ץרתל ןיא הז לבא
 (K7/11/1)-(26)..directly relevant: This evolves from the Maharsha’s
 writings in his Chidushei Agadot on Gemara Shabbat (56a) in the citation    םירבד  םש  היהד  לאומשכ  כ"ג  ל"ס  ברד  םושמ
 beginning  with  the  words  “he  (David)  saw  circumstantial  evidence,”    ןרקש ואצמ תרחא םעפב רבכד םושמ ךא םירכינה
 please see his commentary there.  Truthfully Rashi’s commentary in the
 citation  beginning  with  the  words  “He  saw  circumstantial  evidence,”    דלויו( םירכינה םירבד ינהמ אלד ברל ל"ס רבדב
 also  implies  that  David  did  not  rely  exclusively  on  Mephiboshet’s    הכלהד ה"כ ק"סב ןמקל ש"מכ אלד שדח ןיד הזמ
 unkempt appearance since Rashi writes in the middle of that reference
 that he (Mephiboshet) answered harshly “My only complaint is against    לביק אל רמול לאומשל ל"וה כ"אד )ירוסיאב ברכ
 Him who brought you here” implying that he was sorry David returned    רמאקדמו היב אזח םירכינה םירבד אהד ר"השל דוד
 safely (quoted up until this point).  It is clear from this statement David
 deduced  that  Mephiboshet’s  unkempt  appearance  was  because  he  was    ארבס דילוה לאומשד עמשמ 'וכו םירכינה םירבד
 sorry David returned safely and that validated the circumstantial evidence;    אל ברלד רמול ןיחרכומ ונא כ"או קוספה הזמ וז
 but  without  that  validation  his  appearance  alone  would  not  constitute
 strong circumstantial evidence even though there was a slight indication
 of  circumstantial  evidence  in  his  appearance.    And  that  which  David      astonishment, or [the Chafetz Chayim’s Z”L second considered approach]
                     because even though Rav did not hold that there were strong circumstantial
 initially responded to Mephiboshet (Sefer Shemuel II 19:30) “Why are   indicators, there were however weak ones, and if not for the fact that he
 you still talking, I declare that you and Tzevah should divide the property,”   had already seen that Tzevah was a liar, they would have allowed him to
 David’s  thinking  was  that  he  wanted  to  hear  how  Mephiboshet  would   accept the Lashon Hara.  However, this second approach is problematic
 defend himself and in so doing he (David) would come to understand the   and so the first approach, which is more stringent, is how the subject was
 implication of Mephiboshet’s unkempt appearance, if he was upset by the   concluded.

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