Page 213 - LEIBY-2
P. 213

ChaCphtearp2te6r 28  205213

Leiby a glimmer of hope. He ran back inside the building, raced
up the stairs to the second oor, and turned to the room next to
the o ce. He pulled out the thick rope that he always had with
him, tied it rmly around himself, and tied the other end to the
heavy table that he dragged to the window. Slowly, carefully, he
wriggled out of the second- oor window and placing his feet
on the wall of the room, succeeded in reaching the window of
the o ce. He shook the bars violently and was happy to notice
that they were rusty and half rotted away. Again, he pulled out
his pocketknife and sawed away at the bars. e sweat poured
down his face and dripped into his eyes, but after a few minutes
of relentless sawing, he let out a victory whoop. e bars were

Chapter 28cut, the window opened, and the o ce was his for the taking!

With cat-like exibility he jumped inside, untied the rope from
of E“WrethzoYairsreayeol ut?h” on the wall opposite
where he sat had been removed and replaced with a map of
Pola“nI dw.oBrkeshideereitaswaasguaidpei,c”tLureeiboyfrtehpeliefdamporouusdelay.g“le, eismpbllaecme is a
of Pfoalramndf,oarnJdewaischrupdreodduracwtivinitgy.o”f the Polish leader Shikorsky.
Slowwlays htoe utrnarionlltehde tJheewpisihctyuoreutthhsatinhfearhmadinfgouanndd icnretahtievesuagcatrivity
jar. aHnde stonipreedpatrheethaierm; thfoer pliifcetuorne aemcoitotepderathtieveu. nLmeiibstyakreacbilteed a
scenstomofefwrehsaht ilnykri,coabl vsihoourstlyshpaeveicnhg tbheaetnhdeevhealdopperdepjuasrteda vfoerryjust
shorstutcihmaenbeofcocraeshioannd, .bIutttuurnnuesdedouatstohebewaapsictotutrheeofctlhasesyg,roeulepgant
of relafnuggeueasgethoaft hthaed sjupseteclehf,t.hLeesibtuymwbhleisdtleodveirn sdoimsbeelioeff.tWhehwatords

    and came out sounding rather unsophisticated and gauche. e
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