Page 221 - LEIBY-2
P. 221

ChaCphtearp2te5r 29                                                                                           197221

   eindopcltaocren, ohded’dedb.e“Wabelell,ttohecrheeicskjuosuttontheemboorxe opfoscsliubeilsitfyr,o”mhe the
replfiaerdmt.houghtfully. “It’s not technically a hospital, but there

   ehhadospruicne awwaasya? gHraey,rdeprelayreydintshteitumtioemn,orruianl bcyerseomuor-nfyaciend his
nunms ianndd. Ninohvaibcittiemds’bnyamdespheardatebleyenillmpeenotpioleneldy,ingo poinctuthresirhad
deatbhebeendsd.isplayed, and certainly no relatives had been present.
“Haws haeanytsihonaejudvreserpdohmkadeannbaeaberonriuvmtetdawdheeentrtoey-laanntieynleyy?oc”uasnugaelgtdiiroelsc.,tPboeurrtahsnakopesrdeM.ferireinacme
“Yesh,aadcnr’titbiceaelnlytihnejruereadftmeraanll?was brought here a few days ago,”
“Waussehde taoNscaoziu?t”ing in the darkness, could clearly see everything

    he needed.
   e nun’s eyes opened wide in surprise. “How do you know?
We diednb’toxrewalaiszeneaittherrsti,n” sthhee“O, tnhleydwetheecntives
we etoviodkenotlyhhisavbinlogodta-kdernenicthwedithcloththeimnginasniddedtrhesesetdavherinm. Lineiby
onewthasedhiosaspppicoeinntiegdhtasnhdirftrsuwsterastaewd. the eagle symbol tattooed
undHereheisntaerrmed.”the tavern again and immediately spotted the box,
“Ansditwtinhgersea’sfehlye onnowth?e” oor just next to the Jewish detective’s feet.

       eir eyes met for a moment, and Leiby hurriedly took on a
“Heblleafntk…, oa fheawndhoexuprsreasgsioo.nH. e was afraid that we’d inform on
him to the police.” e nun spoke apathetically, but it was clear
that she was rooting for the poor Nazi. Evidently she felt some
Christian brotherly love.

“Was he dressed like a Chassidic Jew?” e doctor inquired.

“Yes, heecwhaims,”nsehyes roefpiltisednusimmeprloyu. s factories spewed endless clouds

“Anoodff  dtcihldoicthhkeinhbglaavctekhaastymohuoankdegbgieniertlnowftiahtshehhiaoiimnr,e?ad”ndin  thousands  of articles
                                                                                                   its many   workshops

“Oharnriov,eodfincosutrosreesnaoltl,”ovthere“Hceethweasocccruitpicaatilolyn of
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