Page 9 - FEST
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W ith much gratitude to Hashem Yitbarach, I am
privileged to present English-speaking readers
with the first volume of a new series on the
Moadim entitled “The Power of the Festivals.” This volume
on Elul and Tishre takes the reader through the different
stages of the Yamim Noraim, concluding with the joyous days
of Sukkot and Simhat Torah.
The Arizal teaches that every Jewish Festival has an aura,
an inherent spiritual power that is reawakened every year on
the day of the Festival.
Drawing on the infinitely wise teachings of the Sages and
the Mekubalim, the essays in this book explain how to make
the most of the unique nature of each time period, from Elul
to Sukkot, to grow spiritually and come closer to Hashem.
Many of the ideas developed in this book will be new to
some readers. The essays explore different levels and stages
of repentance, the role of viduy (confession) in repentance
and Heavenly judgment, man’s purpose and the purpose
of Creation, the far-reaching impact of our mitzvot and
sins, the presence of the Shechinah in our world, and more.
They offer a new perspective on the familiar holy days we
celebrate every year and what they truly mean for us.