Page 193 - Favor Of God (E-Book)
P. 193

Adapun manusia, hari-harinya seperti rumput, seperti bunga di
             padang  demikianlah  ia  berbunga;  apabila  angin  melintasinya,
             maka tidak ada lagi ia, dan tempatnya tidak mengenalnya lagi.”
             (Maz 103: 14-16). Saya diingatkan dengan teguran kepada Ayub,
             “Mengapa  engkau  berbantah  dengan  Dia,  bahwa  Dia  tidak
             menjawab segala perkataanmu? (Ayub 33:13)

          6.  Harus menerima kenyataan bahwa Allah kadang dengan sengaja
             “menyakiti” kita. Allah sering tidak menjawab doa kita. Allah
             sering tidak memberikan apa yang kita inginkan.

             God does not “keep” his people. He loves us, gives himself to us,
             and eagerly awaits our free response. God wants us to choose to
             love him freely, even when that choice involves pain, because we
             are committed to him, not to our own good feelings and rewards.
             He wants us to cleave to him, as Job did, even when we have every
             reason to deny him hotly. That, I believe, is the central message
             of Job. Satan has taunted God with the accusation that humans

             are not truly free. Was Job being faithful simply because God has
             allowed him to a prosperous life? Job’s fiery trials proved the
             beyond doubt. Job clung to God’s justice when he was the best
             example in history of God’s apparent injustice. He did not seek
             the Giver because of his gifts; when all gifts were removed he still
             sought the Giver. 42

          7.  Melalui perjuangan yang panjang dan tidak mudah sejak
             November 2014, akhirnya tiba di “tempat” untuk tetap
             mempercayai Allah dan Firman-Nya, tetap menyembah dan
             mengasihi Allah; tetap melayani Dia SEKALIPUN Dia tidak
             menjawab  doaku,  sekalipun  Dia  tidak  menyembuhkanku,

             sekalipun Dia tidak memberkatiku, sekalipun Dia melukaiku,
             sekalipun Dia merampas sesuatu yang berharga bagiku. Dasar
             saya melakukan semua itu bukan karena apa yang Tuhan lakukan

             42 Phillip  Yancey,  Where  Is God When It  Hurts (Grand Rapids  Michigan:
          Zondervan, 1990), 90-91.
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