Page 35 - iE6
P. 35

T heme Words                           CD1: 22                                                        2

                                                                             Internet Addiction

                            Signs of Internet Addiction

                               You forget things easily.         I don't remember where
                                                                 I parked my bike.

                                You start to have health problems.

                                                                 I can't see very well, and my eyes
                                                                 often feel dry.

                                You don't sleep enough.          I stay up late to use my phone, and it
                                                                 takes me more time to fall asleep.

                     應用字彙         CD1: 23

                       sign ༦൥ cccc park ৾ԓ cccc stay up ᆟց cccc認識字彙  addiction ϓᛍ

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