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P. 36

How to Stop Internet Addiction                     CD1: 22

                           Set a schedule for phone use.        I'll only use my phone for half an hour

                                                                before dinner.

                            Spend time in places without the Internet.
                                                                                          Let's take a trip
                                                                                          to the country.

                           Keep the phone out of sight.

                                                                                      I'll leave the phone
                                                                                      out of the bedroom
                                                                                      when I go to sleep.

                 Answer the questions and share. ΫഈਪᕚԨʱԮf

                    1.  Do you have any signs of Internet addiction on page 35?

                    2.  If you have an Internet addiction, what will you do to stop it?

                 應用字彙         CD1: 23

                  sight ൖᇞcccc country ඊӀ cccc leave ፲व cccc認識字彙  schedule ࠇ೥ڌ

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