Page 1 - NABWIC Women In History- March Newsletter Edition
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This is our Story

                                                                                Everyday Women Making
                                                                                      History Everyday

                                                                                Inspiring Women Inspiring


                 omen  are  making  history  every  day.  “You  may not  control  all the  events  that  hap-
                 pen  to  you,  but  you  can  decide  not  to  be  reduced  by them,”  says Maya Angelou.
        WSince the beginning of time, women have been making history, starting with Eve in the gar-
        den. There was Mrs. Roosevelt, who advocated for civil rights for African Americans and American
        Asians in the 1940s. Then there was Ida B. Wells, who fought for African-American women’s equality by
        exposing racism through her writings. Then in 1995, there was the 87-year-old washerwoman, who was
        denied acceptance to the University of Mississippi.  She donated $150,000 to the University to establish
        a scholarship fund for students in need.  Lastly, Grandma Xiao was mugged and fought against racism
        by giving up her million dollars to the community.

        These are examples of inspiring women who get it done, women who made decisions, despite the
        struggles and challenges they faced.

        I believe it is possible for inspired women who get it done to inspire other women to overcome their
        construction industry challenges. This, in turn, encourages women and girls to get it done. We can
        educate, graduate, develop skills, build as we recognize and support each other in this construction
        industry.  We are all just everyday women making history every day.

        This is our story!
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