Page 10 - 2017 MEDWEEK Program
P. 10
SEPTEMBER 14, 2017
Allen President /
Andone Principle TenBroeck Executive
/ Chief Director
Operating Angela started THF THF Hubery
Allen Andone, Chief Hubery in December
Operating Offi cer and Offi cer of 2015. Th e company LLC
majority owner of Aegis provides consulting
Fire and Integrated Aegis Fire & services for design & build, She has leveraged her
Services LLC since operations management, personal experiences
2009, received a BSME Integrated and safety certifi cation for in projects all over the
from the University of Services LLC controlled environment Eastern Seaboard and in
Florida. Allen served our agricultural facilities, the Caribbean. Earlier in
country as a US Navy including aquaponics the year, Angela decided
Nuclear Power Offi cer. and hydroponics for to focus on the broader
He is a State of Florida The company provides commercial production of controlled environment
Licensed Professional full service Fire Protection, fresh, and locally grown agriculture industry and
Engineer, Certifi ed Life Safety Inspections produce. she decided to sell Traders
General Contractor, and and other services that Hill Farm, the brand and
Licensed Fire Protection include: system design, Ms. TenBroeck also farm in Hilliard.
Contractor. He has over fabrication, installation owned and operated the
30 years of experience services and inspections Traders Hill Farm until Today, THF Hubery
in business startups, on fi re suppression, February of 2017. Traders has developed a brand
business operations and fire extinguishers, fi re Hill Farm was the only known as Aqua Hortus.
management, engineering, alarm, fi re sprinklers, aquaponic facility in the The company leads the
and construction. backflow preventers, access United States to obtained way in providing services
controls, and security Safe Quality Food Level to develop and operate
Aegis Fire and Integrated cameras. Aegis Fire and 3 certifi cation. Traders controlled environment
Services LLC is certifi ed Integrated Services LLC Hill Farm was started in facilities to grow: always
as a Minority/Women has 32 employees and had 2013 and the company fresh, always available,
Business Enterprise with $4,000,000 in revenue last has grown tremendously. and the highest quality
Duval County Public year. The company’s facility produce year round,
Schools, and as a Minority has quadrupled to 40,000 regardless of climate. Th is
Business Enterprise and square-foot facility, firm’s innovative ideas
Veteran owned Enterprise which makes it the largest and practices will help
with the State of Florida. aquaponics farm in feed people in a rapidly
Northeast Florida. growing world.
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