Page 12 - 2017 MEDWEEK Program
P. 12
Dr. John Allen NewmanJaxPort
Keynote Speaker
Brief Bio
Dr. John Allen Newman is Senior and Uganda, and he has served o
Pastor of The Sanctuary at Mt. Calvary the boards of the National Baptis
in Jacksonville, Fla. Dr. Newman has Convention of America, Cornerston
addressed congregations around the (JAXUSA Partnership), Jacksonvill
“Dr. Newman
was appointed globe and has provided leadership Urban League, Mayor’s councils
to JAXPORT’s and inspiration to businesses on a and the Sheriff’s Advisory Board
Board of
Directors in local, national and international scale. Dr. Newman was appointed t
He serves as the U.S. lead pastor JAXPORT’s Board of Directors i
for 60 churches located in Kenya 2011 to a four-year term.