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TO: NETTA’ She READ books and shelved them; She READ books and gave her
opinions about them; She READ books and almost “became one!”
‘Morning sun…evening shade; tears and laughter, Case Western University welcomed her enrollment and She earned
her Library Science Degree there.
promises made; and miles and miles of mem’ries held together by the
tri-fold strings of defined life… in a small world of “undefined” living. Corny jokes and instant laughter were the hallmarks of my Sister. She
gave new meaning to the definition of “ jokes and funny” and you just
We (Johnnie, ‘Netta and Bebe) just “were”. didn’t know how NOT TO LAUGH in front of her. You had to have been
there for yourself to understand what I/we really experienced with her
Venus Street and Ma Ghee’s house; Myrtle Avenue, Aunt Golda’s laughter.
“two-story”; Families we knew…Mr. Ward., Mr. Evans both “ran” on the
railroad bringing magazines from the train for us to read, from all over A multi-gifted human being…Netta loved Children and Books and her
the Country..And ‘Netta Loved that ! Reared in a “fish-every Friday” Momma (and ours) and Friends and HER CHILDREN and THEIR CHIL-
community with “eyes on each one of us.. and we weren’t even “spar- DREN and now their “Children’s- Children). She was a caring Friend,
rows.” (you’ll get that later..smiles) God–Mother, Auntee’, Teacher, Mentor, Care-Giver, Disciple, Encour-
ager, and the ultimate example of “living-patience” with some left
Every Christmas We skated on Union Hardware skates using the con- over! It was almost fun to see her get “so-to-speak” angry..pseudo at
crete sidewalk at the old ball park.. All the Kids from all over the City best!
jammed onto that small area (now that I think about it) and skated on
that concrete sidewalk all day long Christmas Day and we never had To know that you have a SISTER-SISTA’ is beyond a Blessing! It is certain-
a fight ! Netta never really enjoyed skating as much as I did, but She ly one of God’s greatest Blessings to those of us who are privileged to
went with me anyway..because that was who she was. have been given the Gift of “NEDDA-HOOD”…My Brother and I knew
that Gift!
What she dearly loved was the Library! NETTA’ was the favorite of the
Librarians at the “colored library”..Wilder Park Branch Public Library.. And now it seems.. that as God would have it,
located near the tennis courts, the community center and the “Col- the “order” in which God allowed us to “meet”
ored YWCA.” each other, on this side of the Jordan…is the
“order” we have been destined to leave.
She knew the Library’s “Dewey Decimal System” like the back of her
hand. She volunteered in that Library until She left for Hampton Col- I would say ..”wait for me”..but I know They will.
lege (Virginia) to become “a Librarian.”
Peace and Gratitude to Our Lord and
Olga Bradham and Etta Lee Brooks(Librarians at Wilder Park Branch) Saviour for Sisterhood.
loved her to death! They knew She was brilliant and obviously ahead
of her time, but trust me, they considered her a “real” Librarian even Your Sista’…
back then!