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Awards Celebration

                              ADVOCATE FIRM
                                   OF THE YEAR


                         Aubrie  Founder &                       REVITALIZE

                    Simpson- CEO
                      Gotham Fostering


                       Aubrie was born and raised in   local children and youth impacted
                 suburban Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and   by foster care or trauma by providing
                 has been a Northeast Florida resident   needed essentials, helping all foster
                   for eighteen years. Aubrie received   youth reach their full potential via
                   her Bachelor of Arts in Elementary   educational programs.  The programs
                 Education from Flagler College and a   also connect community leaders
                  Master of Science in Pre-K/Primary   to opportunities that assist foster
                   Education from Nova Southeastern   families in providing stable, loving
                                      University.     homes for children in transition.

                        Aubrie began her career as a   Outside of Fostering Connections,
                   preschool and kindergarten teacher   Aubrie is an active member of the
                      in high poverty schools. With a   Rotary Club of Ponte Vedra and
                   strong passion for volunteer service   serves as Vice Chair of the board of
                    and helping those in need, Aubrie   the Early Learning Coalition of North
                  left her public school teaching career   Florida. She has organized a school
                   to work in the nonprofit sector. She   supply drive for Investing in Kids
                 enjoyed volunteering with many local   (INK), the nonprofit arm of the St.
                  nonprofit organizations and worked   Johns County School District.  She is
                    for a local nonprofit social service   a 2020 Leadership St. Johns graduate
                   agency prior to founding Fostering   and was named St. Johns County’s 25
                                    Connections.    Under 40 Nonprofit Professional of
                                                                   the Year in 2021

                 With her family’s personal experience
                   with foster care and has work as an
                     educator, Aubrie was inspired to
                 found Fostering Connections in 2019.
                       Fostering Connections uplifts
                                                                                           OCT 2022 MED Week CELEBRATION

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