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Awards Celebration

                                WOMAN-                                MINORITY BUSINESS

                          OWNED FIRM                                      ENTERPRISE FIRM
                           OF THE YEAR                                          OF THE YEAR

                     Pauline   President                              Aaron and

                    Sevigny         Grace                                     Lakita       Founders

               Pauline Sevigny joined  Aerospace,                            Spann         Mr. Potato

            GRACE Aerospace in 2017   lLC.                                                 Spread
               to assist her father with                              Lakita Spann’s career
              the growth of the family   Pauline was recently accepted   journey started as a Sales
             aerospace manufacturing   into the ATHENA Powerlink      Associate at Bellsouth   solutions and providing potato-
              business and she is now   program, sponsored by the    in 2001.  Through hard   based options to residents of
              the President of GRACE     Jacksonville Chamber of      work, Lakita received   the First Coast from their food
                  Aerospace.  She has              Commerce.          many promotions and   truck and restaurant locations.
             grown the business from                                  served as a Corporate   Lastly, Mr. Potato Spread is a
                a 6,000 sqft facility in   The company collaborates       Trainer, Account   new franchisor with a goal of
             NY to 35,000 sqft facility   with the Jacksonville Women’s   Manager, Technical Sales   aspiring entrepreneurs obtain
              in Jacksonville.  Pauline   Business Center, the First   Consultant, and Regional   the goal of business ownership
                   graduated with an      Coast Manufacturing’s       Sales Manager.  After        through their system.
              Accounting degree from    Association (FCMA), and      many years of working
               Bentley University and   others to grow and improve   alongside and learning   Outside of Mr. Potato Spread,
              obtained her MBA from      the local manufacturing   from entrepreneurs, Lakita    Lakita gives back to the
                    UMASS Boston.           landscape, including      decided to pursue her    community by serving on
                                     upskilling the local workforce.     own entrepreneurship   the Executive Board of The
              Prior to joining GRACE   Specifically, Pauline is on the   dream and started her own   Empowered Kitchen.  This
             Aerospace, Pauline spent   FCMA Steering Committee,   business called Integrated   organization provides NE
                20+ years in financial   supporting local Workforce   Small Business Solutions   Florida women with training
                  services, primarily   Development.  As part of these   (ISBS).  However, ISBS   and mentoring programs on
                 supporting medium      efforts, GRACE Aerospace   didn’t work out as planned,   conquering the food industry.
                to large organizations   has engaged with local high   but Lakita didn’t give up.     Lakita continues to consult and
             improve their operational   schools and colleges to provide                   mentor women entrepreneur in
                    effectiveness and     tours, mock interviews,   In 2014, Aaron and Lakita      the Jacksonville area.
            efficiency.  Pauline brought   internships, and training to   decided to create a brand
               her prior knowledge of   the students to encourage     that solves the age-old
               large institutions to the   interest in manufacturing.     problem of busy employees
                small business arena,   GRACE Aerospace is also a   finding a delicious lunch
           implementing technologies   proud partner with Skillbridge   without sacrificing time
                  such as Office 365/    which offers employment      and money.  Thus Mr.
              Sharepoint and assisting   to transitioning military   Potato Spread was born.
              with obtaining AS 9100                personnel.     Today, Mr. Potato Spread
            Rev D certification for the       focuses on providing
          10  Jacksonville, FL facility.    solutions and providing
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