Page 11 - Lighthouse of Hope Magazine
P. 11


                                                   THE FAITH

          Apostle, Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes-Vann

         A leader  for the generations      Cultivating and Growing Leaders    Preparing Future Leaders
         Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes was officially ordained pas-  The first group of Ministers, Deacons, Teachers and   Students are provided with an academic education
         tor of HCM in 1979 and has served for four decades   Exhorters were officially ordained in 1989. Today   as well as an education in life.  Esprit de Corps
         with no signs of stopping.         over 60 leaders are appointed and serving in    Center for Learning  (EDC) opened as a debt-free,
                                            various areas of ministry in the US and abroad.  non-chartered private school in 2001.

         innovative Administrative Suite.   ministries are other examples of via-  As has been the case over many years
                                            ble channels reaching out to millions,   and doubtless will continue to be,
         The ministry, which started out with   offering hope through salvation and   countless individuals come through
         seven members, experienced re-     a new life.                        the doors of Hope Chapel broken,
         markable rapid growth. It embraced                                    disheartened, without salvation and
         people of various races, nationalities   Esprit de Corps Center for Learning   without hope.  Afterwards, they go
         and all walks of life. As the ministry   (EDC) was built in the interest of   on to live changed lives. Hope Chapel
         continued to preach the Gospel     training boys and girls for their future   will continue to be a place of salva-
         through prison ministry, nursing   as adults who adhere to the tenets of   tion, deliverance and hope, even as
         home visits, street evangelism and   morality and patriotism for the bet-  we move into the future exclaiming
         other forms of outreach, many lives   terment of home, church, workplace,   our motto: “There is Hope at Hope
         were touched and experienced the   and society. Dr. Holmes-Vann’s vision   Chapel...and that Hope is Jesus!”
         love of Jesus. This truth of the gospel   included a return to a traditional edu-
         brought about the new birth which   cational model founded on Christian
         resulted in notable changes in the   principles and values. In accordance
         lives of the people.               with this vision, each component of
                                            the school was purposefully selected
         Moreover, Hope Chapel’s radio,     and designed.
         television, magazine and internet

                                                                                       LOH Magazine / February 2016  11
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