Page 8 - Lighthouse of Hope Magazine
P. 8
“ Legacy for the
next generation
should be backed up
WHAT OF faithfulness, so that 3 things we have heard and
with the history of
the church is long
THE NEXT lived when everything known, things our ancestors
have told us.
else is gone .
4 We will not hide them from
GENERATION? their descendants; we will tell
the next generation the praise-
worthy deeds of the LORD, his
power, and the wonders he has
5 He decreed statutes for
Our concern for the next from the spiritual failures Jacob and established the law
generation and concern for of their forefathers and to in Israel, which he commanded
the children should be more strive diligently to avoid the our ancestors to teach their
than what it is right now. In a same unbelief and unfaith- children,
little while they will be taking fulness. God’s people should 6 so the next generation would
over the next generation. We pay close attention, since know them, even the children
5 year old Raylin John- are to think about what we many churches and deno- yet to be born, and they in turn
son performs a mono- will have done to cause them would tell their children.
logue at competition in to head in the right direction Psalms 78: 1-8
New York City. 7 Then they would put their
and hold onto the faith. What 1 My people, hear my teaching; trust in God and would not for-
Above: Asha Bartley, are we doing to cause them listen to the words of my mouth. get his deeds but would keep
Maiya Bartley, Bray- to embrace this faith? We are 2 I will open my mouth with his commands.
lon Redding, Tatiyana to see to it that our children, a parable; I will utter hidden 8 They would not be like their
Smith, Frank Jenkins our next generation, obey things, things from of old— ancestors— a stubborn and
and Emily Perry show- God and set their hope in him. rebellious generation, whose
case their memoriza- hearts were not loyal to God,
tion skills during a 2015 Psalms 78: 1-8 warns the whose spirits were not faithful
to him.
Easter production. children of Israel to learn
8 LOH Magazine / February 2016