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OF THE Archives
March 12th
Excerpt Sermon by Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes-Vann
Edited by Jacqueline Bourne
Sacrifice is one of the most misun- indicates us having a single mind
derstood words in Christendom. devotion to do what is necessary
The word sacrifice is often used to live out our faith.
to initiate a guilt trip. Believers are
often told that they have to give Sacrifice calls our priorities into
more money, more time and more focus. Sacrifice is also priority
service. It seems like one could centered, it teaches us to make
never sacrifice enough. Sacrificing sure our priorities are lined up
or not sacrificing should never right. When we sacrifice, what is
make us feel guilty or unworthy important rises to the top, and
in the sight of the Lord. He has other things are set aside .It shows In Philippians 3:8 Paul importance than any-
made it very clear that he doesn’t the place of the Kingdom of God says,” Yeah doubtless thing else he had ever
need us giving to him if it isn’t in our lives in relation to other I count all things but experienced. The prob-
done from a pure heart. We have things. Where does it fit? We say, “I dung for the excellency lem with many of us is
put ourselves under that bondage thank God I have been translated of the knowledge of that we haven’t felt the
because we haven’t understood from darkness into light.” What Christ…” No doubt, the impact of what we truly
what real sacrifice is all about. does that really mean to you? things Paul had were have yet. As a result,
How important is that to you? The important and mean- we very frivolously play
Sacrifice is very closely related to fact that we have been translated ingful to his life. Howev- with what we have. But
commitment. They are so closely out of darkness into light and are er, Paul said he counted when Jesus Christ truly
related that we can say they are now in the Kingdom of God has all but lost for the comes into a life and
“kissing cousins.” Sacrifice always to be top priority in our lives. If Excellency of the knowl- makes a difference, it’s
means a willingness to make it isn’t, we are just marking time edge of Jesus Christ. a known fact you start
good based on our allegiance to and are like a sounding brass and There was absolutely putting things aside,
Jesus Christ. We want to sacrifice tinkling cymbal. The fact that nothing in this life things that you really
because of the love we have we have now been planted in that he counted more like, things that you
for him. Outside of loving him, another Kingdom ought to be of important than his walk really want, but you will
He doesn’t want our sacrifice. foremost importance to us. And with God. Nothing! How lay them down for the
Sacrificing, loving him causes us it ought to be so emphatic and did this happen? From Excellency of the knowl-
to act positively toward what He impressive to us that it causes our the moment Paul met edge of Jesus Christ.
represents. Without that real love whole life to change! Our attitude Jesus Christ, he became
there can be no real sacrifice. Have and thoughts about things ought committed. First of all,
you noticed that what we call sac- to change because we’ve been Paul was grateful that
rificing to give to him, belongs to brought out of all that dung and he had come into the
him anyway? He gets no delight been translated into the kingdom light. He discovered that
in us giving him what is already of light. And it ought to automat- he was in error and he
his, especially when our heart ically cause us to have a whole considered what Christ Sacrifice is loving, giving,
isn’t in it. God wants our giving to new attitude about everything. had done for him was and caring. It’s all inter-
be based on our love for him. It of greater value and of twined and that’s the way
sacrifice is to be looked at.
4 LOH Magazine / February 2016