Page 31 - Love Feast Anniversary Program
P. 31
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes-Vann
Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes-Vann was born in Macon, Georgia to parents, Harvey Cofer and
Gladys Hunt.
She was the firstborn of nine siblings. As the eldest, she would often provide care for her
younger brothers and sisters while her mother worked outside the home. It wasn’t coinciden-
tal, but rather divine order that Jeannette possessed leadership qualities, early in life. In retro-
spect, it all seemed to work within the plan of God. For He knew her destiny as a leader, and a
During her childhood, she attended elementary, middle and high school in
Jacksonville, FL.. As a senior in high school she was chosen by her class as Miss
Congeniality (person with the best personality). Her future ambition at that time was to
be a Social Worker. However, she attended Edwards Waters College and Florida A&M
University and decided to become an educator. For 21 years, she was employed by the
Duval County Public School System. She is blessed with four children—DeDra, Alison, Kendria,
Brandon and is married to Joe Louis Vann. She also has seven grandchildren: Alexia,
Chandler, Ivan, Deslin, Miya, Jada, and Asha.
Dr. Holmes-Vann responded to the “call of God” in 1973. She devoted her life to Christ
and later answered another call, the call to Pastor. After years of faithful service in the
area of ministry, she was honored with a Doctorate of Divinity Degree in 1995. Dr.
Holmes-Vann continued to grow, and the ministry God entrusted to her care is ample proof of
the spiritual and natural maturation that has taken place through the years.
As Dr. Holmes-Vann’s ministry continued to grow, souls were added, leaders were
appointed, married couples were strengthened, singles were developed independently and
children were cared for and trained.
Because of the phenomenal growth, more needed to be done in and around the
ministry. Out of this need, grew over 35 areas of ministry. For instance, Outreach
extended the ministry into correction systems, homeless shelters, nursing homes and the
streets. Other significant areas of ministry, such as the Hospitality Committee, Tape,
Newspaper, Food Preparation, Beautification, Grounds Maintenance, Bookstore, Boy
Scouts, etc. have been added to help the church function in an orderly fashion.
As a result of Dr. Holmes-Vann’ spiritual insight she also knew that people needed events
and activities to enjoy and to foster personal and social growth. As a result of the physical,
social, and spiritual growth that has taken place, lives are being dramatically changed and thou-
sands are blessed to receive the gift of salvation through the preached word, which is also
carried over the airwaves on radio and television.
Dr. Holmes-Vann has birthed an incredible, pace-setting ministry of excellence, but it
all started with the life-changing encounter with God that she experienced that fourth
Sunday morning on March 23, 1973.
Praise God for his amazing gift!