Page 21 - News On 7 September 2021
P. 21

  Over the years I have encountered many different things that cause computers to die, either a slow death or by a long-drawn-out process.  The
  biggest cause of computer failure is HEAT. It starts with small indicators such as a jumpy mouse, screen freezes or complete shutdown of your
  computer. Laptops seem to be the worse for this, first there is hardly any room under a laptop for ventilation. Add in those that put laptops on
  beds (fire hazard as well). If you are experiencing freezing or shutdowns on a laptop you may notice the case getting very hot to the touch.
   Here is the progression of what happens with constant overheating.

                            First erratic mouse behavior followed be the screen freezing or system shuts down completely. Eventually over
                            time you will go to turn on your laptop and you will have no display at all, while it appears the computer is
                            running  the  screen  remains  black.  Here  is  why.  Over  time  with  the  overheating  the  components  on  the
                            motherboard  heat  up  to  the  point  of  melting  the  solder  on  certain  components  mainly  the  video  chip  that
                            controls the display.
                            The video chip over time with overheating loses its connection to the motherboard.  There are a few indicators
                            this failure has happened; you may notice the Caps Lock key or your Wi-Fi key on your keyboard has a flashing
                            light. While this can be repaired it can be a costly fix and normally it is cheaper to replace the laptop. Don’t
                            worry  about  your  data  though  it  can  still  be  removed  from  the  laptop  and  transferred  to  another  system.
                             Desktops do experience overheating issues as well but normally a good cleanout will do the job.  Now  what
                            causes overheating in the first place? DUST, this gets drawn into your system to keep the components cools.
                            Dust builds up over time and causes overheating 98% of the time (the other times is a hardware failure of the
                            fan).As  the  dust  builds  up  the  fan  cannot  properly  disperse  the  heat  from  the  components  causing  the
  Add one more component in there such as cigarette smoke and it’s a death note. Over time nicotine builds up on the fan blades and as we
  know it’s a tarry substance that is very sticky, dust attaches to this substance and builds up even faster. This speeds up the process of system
  failure.  One way to help alleviate this from happening is to have your system cleaned on a yearly basis. One note though, do not use a vacuum
  cleaner to clean out your computer. I do offer a service here to clean properly.          Until next time.    Dr. Jim
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