Page 9 - News On 7 September 2021
P. 9

PHOTO CONTEST                                                       Each  winner  is  awarded  with  a  $50  gift
      We had more than 60 photos entered into our “Take                   certificate  to  a  local  business  or  service
      Your  Best  Shot  Photo  Contest!”      The  judges  have           provider in the Municipality of Centre Hastings.
      spoken…and the results are:                                         Thank  you  to  all  who  participated  and
                                                                          showcased  various  scenes  and  images  around
                                                                          Centre Hastings!

     1st : Clara Hopkins, photo  2nd : Bill Graham, photo of     3rd (a tie!): Len Holmes, a photo of a pair of foxes, and
     of splashing rocks in the   sunset on Moira Lake             Eeva  Passailaigue,  a  photo  of  a  sunset  with  bench  on
     water.                                                      Moira Lake

                                        GIANT COMMUNITY YARD SALE RESULTS

      A big shout out to the Madoc Outdoor Pool Fundraiser Task Force for a highly successful yard sale at the Centre Hastings
      Park on July 31 / August 1. Several volunteers worked hard at rounding up, sorting, pricing, and providing help at the
      sales. More importantly, the community stepped up big time by donating goods to put up for sale. We want to thank
      everyone who contributed.

      Over $4,260 was raised from the sale, with left over goods going to the Thrift Store, Madoc Township Fire Department
      yard sale, and to the Margarite D’Amelio Children’s Foundation. Combined with some of the previous fund raisers (car
      washes, gumball sales, bracelet sales, business and personal donations, fun ball tournament, and the hugely successful
      and ongoing bottle drive), the Task Force has now raised in excess of $115,000!

      An interesting story has also come to light. Since the sale, we have found out that some of the leftover goods donated to
      the Margarite D’Amelio  Children’s Foundation, which included toys, books and a couple bikes have made their way to
      Brazil. Recently a donation of $101 and letter of thanks has been received which we’d like to share:

      “Two of the bicycles went to a group of displaced families on the outskirts of the city of Arcoverde, Pernambuco. Edeau, a
      fourteen year old boy who lives in the encampment is now accountable for managing the maintenance and use of the
      bikes.This is their only means of transportation to and from the city and will therefore be getting much use. The families
      in this community live in plastic covered huts and live day to day, sometimes without food. These families have nothing,
      so you can well imagine how thrilling it is for a boy like Edeau to have been given such a great gift.”

      It’s nice to see the community come together to support this project, and great to see when others can also receive help
      through these volunteer efforts.

      Congratulations the Charles Gordon and all the community volunteers for their tireless contributions.
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