Page 10 - News On 7 September 2021
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MARMORA LIBRARY                                 MADOC PUBLIC LIBRARY
    We  all  love  a  good  mystery  story,  now's  The  National  Film  Board  of  Canada  has  compiled  a  selection  of  films  by
    your  chance  to  write  one!    Get  creative,  Indigenous  filmmakers  and  allies  about  the  tragic  impact  of  residential
    Get Creepy, Get Uncanny! But most of all,       schools in Canada.  You  can  access  these  films  via  the  link  below  or  by
    get mysterious!    Send  in  your  entries  by  clicking on the NFB link on our website.
    September  13th  (with  your  name  and
      phone  number  attached)  and  we  will       MADOC PUBLIC LIBRARY
    announce the lucky winner on September          Exciting news!
    24th!  If you have any questions, give us a     Madoc Public Library is now part of the Tackleshare program, provided by
    call 613 472 3122.                              the  Ontario  Federation  of  Anglers  and  Hunters!   2  fishing  kits  are  now
                                                    available for borrowing . They include a rod and reel, a small tackle box
                                                    with assorted basic tackle, and a copy of local fishing guidelines.   Young
                                                    Angler licences are also available. Drop by to view the kit and learn more!
                                                    Fish On, Madoc!!

    Congratulations  to  our  TD  Summer  Reading  July
    prize winner - Alexa! Alexa is joined by her siblings
    Hailey and Eli with their new books and sidewalk
    chalk activity kit. Be sure to bring your logbooks in
    to  gain  entry  into  our  August  draw!  Keep  on
                LITTLE FREE LIBRARY
                The  Little  Free  Library  has  been
                installed in Northbrook in front of the Lion's Hall with the help of
                Lion's  members.  Thank  you.  The  library  belongs  to  everyone.  If
                you  would  like  something  new  to  read,  just  help  yourself  to  a
                book out of the library or leave a book for others to enjoy. Happy

                               613 473 4845                                            613 473 1891
                      31 Durham Street, Madoc, ON                          31 Durham Street, Madoc, ON
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