Page 32 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 32


                                                                       CLASS 500
                                  Committee Chairperson: Brooke Berry (343) 367-5801  Committee: Sheila Johnson and Lois Budd
                                  No Entry Fee — Exhibitor Number Required   When getting your Exhibitor Number, tell the Secretary it is for
                                  Junior Work   Prizes: 1 $3.00, 2 $2.00, 3 $1.00, 4 $1.00, 5 $1.00
                                  Exhibitors may enter their age category or any OLDER age category.

                                                                BOYS & GIRLS 11 OR 12 YEARS OLD

     The Exhibit Building is open on Thursday evening from 7:00   JW521.   Your Favourite "Logo", any media, on 8 1/2 X 11" paper
    to 8:30 p.m. and on Friday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. for   JW522.   Decorate a Paper or Styrofoam Plate with Seeds

    entries to be brought in. Entries may be picked up on Sunday   JW523.   Birdhouse made from Recycled Material
    afternoon after 3:30 p.m. Doors will be closed at 3:00 p.m. on

    Sunday to allow the committees to take down and sort the   JW524.    Dream Catcher, no larger than 8" diameter
    exhibits.                                                  JW525.   Handmade Friendship Bracelet, any material, 2-3" diameter
                                                                BOYS & GIRLS 13 OR 14 YEARS OLD
    NOTE: No exhibits shall be taken down from display nor
    shall they be removed from the building or the grounds until   JW526.   Something made from Natural Materials
    after  3:30  p.m.  Sunday.  Doing  so  will  result  in    JW527.   Pencil Sketch of your Favourite Cartoon Character, 8 1/2 X 11" paper
    disqualification  of  the  exhibits  and  forfeiture  of  the  prize   JW528.   Article of Clothing made from Recycled Material
    money. (Strictly enforced.)
                                                               JW529.   Robot made from Tin Cans
      BOYS & GIRLS 4 YEARS OLD AND UNDER                       JW530.   Decorated Hard-boiled Egg or Eggs, displayed in a
    JW501.   Collection of Bugs in h an egg carton
                                                                        container, which will be considered
    JW502.   Trace your Hand and colour with crayons or markers on 8 1/2   part of the entry
             X 11" paper                                       SPECIAL: Prize money for the following four categories was donated by
    JW503.    Portrait of your Family — crayons or markers on 8 1/2 X 11"   Sandra Hannah
             paper                                             Prizes: 1 $2.50, 2 $1.50, 3 $1.00, 4 $1.00, 5 $1.00 JW531.
    JW504.   Page from a Colouring Book, coloured, approx. 8 1/2 X 11"   Loaf of Quick Bread, any size (example, Banana Bread)
    JW505.   Collection of Flowers in a container with water   JW532. Three (3) Brownies, iced
             Sponsored by Sheila Johnson                       JW533. Applesauce, 1 pint jar
                                                               JW534.  Box  for  a  Sick  Friend  containing  two  homemade  items  (not
     BOYS & GIRLS 5 OR 6 YEARS OLD                             necessarily baking) No larger than an average-size shoe box
    JW506.   Picture made from Magazine Cut-outs (8 1/2 X 11" paper)   SPECIALS:  Prize  money  donated  by  the  Homecraft  Division  of  the  Fair  Board
                                                               Prizes: 1 $3.00, 2 $2.50, 3 $2.00
    JW507.   Page from a Colouring Book, coloured (approx. 8 1/2 X 11" paper)
                                                                 BOYS & GIRLS AGED 8 to 11 YEARS OLD
    JW508.   Large Cookie with a funny face (5-7" diameter)     JW535. 2 Scrapbook Pages, one theme, one side only on      each page, in
    JW509.   Decorated Flower Pot                               BOYS & GIRLS AGED 12 to 16 YEARS OLD
                                                                JW536. 2 Scrapbook Pages, one theme, one side only on each page, in sleeves
    JW510.   Paper Plate Mask
                                                                JUNIOR PHOTOGRAPHY
    JW511. Something Useful made from Something Useless
                                                                 All photos must be mounted on black Bristol Board with a 1" border and entry
    JW512. Original Rice Krispie Creation                        tag attached in the top left-hand corner. Remember — you are the one taking
    JW513. Mask made from a Cardboard Box (Suggested by          the picture!
    Orin Annis)                                                  Prizes: 1 $3.00, 2 $2.00, 3 $1.00, 4 $1.00, 5 $1.00
                                                                 BOYS & GIRLS AGED 8 to 11 YEARS OLD
    JW514. Picture of your Family, hand drawn, any media         JW537. My Pet(s)
                                                                 JW538. Activities with my Friend(s)
    JW515. Boat made from Styrofoam                              JW539. A Holiday Celebration
                                                                 JW540. In Nature
     BOYS & GIRLS 9 OR 10 YEARS OLD                              JW541. A Birthday Celebration
    JW516.   Necklace made COMPLETELY from edible material —     BOYS & GIRLS AGED 12 to 16 YEARS OLD
             displayed on a paper plate                         JW542.   Sunrise or Sunset
    JW517.   Any Lego Item of your choice, no larger than 8" in any direction   JW543.   Old Hands or Old Feet
    JW518.   Your Version of "Mr. Potato Head" made with a real potato   JW544.   Farming
    JW519.   Pencil Sketch, 8 1/2 X 11" paper
    JW520.   Handmade Sock Puppet                               JW545.   A Reflection Image — mirror or otherwise
                                                                JW546.   Wildlife
                                                                 SPECIAL: Prize money donated by Peter and Brooke Berry, in
                                                                 memory of Evelyn Boyle Prizes: 1 $5.00, 2 $3.00, 3 $2.00
                                                                 JW547. A Collage of Photographs depicting Family Fun, on 11 X 14"
                                                                 black Bristol Board
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