Page 26 - News On 7 March 2022 Edition
P. 26


    Welcome to Tech Talk,
    This month has been interesting with a few different issues (a term we use in the industry
    versus using the word problem).
    One  that  sticks  out  as  always  is  my  computer  is  over  five  years  old  and  running  a  bit
    slower now. Do I need to purchase a new one? This is where a series of questions start.

    Did this just start or has your computer progressively gotten slower over time.
    Is your computer running hot or freezing at all?
    What  types  of  programs  do  you  use  on  your  computer  and  have  you  updated  that
    software recently.
    There are a few steps that can be taken to help with this, starting with a tune-up and a virus and malware removal.
    From there we can look at increasing the memory and even upgrading the hard drive to a new SSD (Solid State Drive) much
    faster load time.

    So, before you decide to purchase a new computer, bring it in and we will go through a few steps. These steps can save you
    $$$$ and save you some frustration.  We can be reached at Dr. Jim’s Computer Repair at 392 Front St in Downtown Belleville.
    Until next time.
    Dr. Jim
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