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                                                                    Bob Branscombe, Fire Chief
                                                         7 Furnace Street, PO Box 900, Madoc, ON K0K 2K0

                              Early Detection is the most important thing in protecting your family and you from the
                              devastation of fire. Don’t believe me just google “No Time to spare video”. Once you have
                              watched this short video, I think you will agree.  Check the batteries in your Smoke Alarms
                              and CO detectors.  It is the law! More importantly it could save you and your family’s lives.

                                       VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!   HELP US DEFEAT C-19 !

       The  Municipality  of  Centre  Hastings  needs  your  help.  Volunteers  are  needed  to  help  with  to  the  upcoming  C-19
       vaccination clinics to be held at the Madoc and District Recreation Centre.   All training and required PPE (masks, hand
       sanitizer, gloves) will be provided and all efforts will be taken to keep our volunteers safe.

       These clinics offer an opportunity to contribute back to your community and help us to fight this terrible disease.
       These clinics are also a great way for students to complete volunteer hours.   For more information see our website at or to get involved please contact:

       Cathie Lahey-Francis
       613 473 4030
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