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       Reginald  Jolley  was  born  in  1915  in  Crewe,  Cheshire,  England.  He  lived  with  his
       parents,  James  and  Myra.  His  father  was  an  hydraulic  operator  in  the  dock  area.
       Following his father's untimely death, Reg lived with his mother and, like most boys of
       fourteen, worked at whatever jobs he could find.
       In 1931, Reg joined the British Young Migrants Program, organized by the YMCA. This
       initiative, in a time of rising unemployment in Britain, aided young people in moving
       overseas  for  employment.  Besides  the  lure  of  a  job,  along  with  free  passage,  the
       thought of adventure across the sea was appealing.  Reginald Jolley, aboard the S.S.
       Montrose, landed in St. John, New Brunswick in the spring of 1931. By mid-April. he
       was in Madoc Township working on the farm of George Love, not far from Hazzard's
       On a hot July day while working on that farm, the young man, probably not yet toughened to hard physical labour,
       suffered  a  heat  stroke.  Reginald  F.  Jolley,  after  less  than  three  months  in  Canada,  was  laid  to  rest  in  Hazzard's
       Cemetery.  Seventy  years  passed  and  Reg's  grave  gradually  was  overgrown  with  long  grass  and  lilacs.  When  the
       cemetery trustees began the rehabilitation of Hazzard's cemetery, this grave was one of the first to be cleared. With
       the magic of the internet, more information has come to light, even to the ship that brought Reg to Canada. Using
       this modern technology, his family has been contacted about the rehabilitation of his grave and they have expressed
       their gratitude.
       Another of the many stories hidden in Hazzard's Cemetery has been brought to life.

                                                                              The  ship  S.S.  MONTROSE
                                                                              that brought Reg. Jolley from
                                                                              Liverpool to St. John and his
                                                                              final resting place.


      Notice of Construction    Resurfacing  of  Notice  of  Construction  -  Resurfacing  of  Notice  of  Construction  -  Resurfacing  of
      Riverside Pines                       Goat Hill Road                          Beaver Creek Road
      Please be advised that the resurfacing of  Please  be  advised  that  the  resurfacing  of  Please  be  advised  that  the  resurfacing  of
      Riverside Pines (River Heights Road, Red  Goat Hill Road, from Station Road to Centre  Beaver Creek Road, from Centre Line Road
      Oak  Road,  and  Forest  Park  Road)  for  Line  Road  for  approximately  1.30  km  will  to Cordova Road for approximately 3.40 km
      approximately  4.30  km  will  commence  commence  the  week  of  April  26th,  2021  will commence the week of April 26th, 2021
      the  week  of  April  26th,  2021  with  a  with a duration of approximately twelve (12)  with a duration of approximately twelve (12)
      duration  of  approximately  twelve  (12)  weeks.                             weeks.
      weeks.  All  existing  gravel  roads  will  be  Goat  Hill  Road  will  remain  open  with  Beaver  Creek  Road  will  remain  open  with
      re-gravelled during these works.      temporary  daytime  flagging  operations.  temporary  daytime  flagging  operations.
      Riverside  Pines  will  remain  open  with  Please  note  that  the  above  construction  Please  note  that  the  above  construction
      temporary  daytime  flagging  operations.  dates  may  fluctuate  due  to  weather  dates  may  fluctuate  due  to  weather
      Please note that the above construction  constraints  and  other  factors.  Every  effort  constraints  and  other  factors.  Every  effort
      dates  may  fluctuate  due  to  weather  will  be  made  by  the  Municipality  to  keep  will  be  made  by  the  Municipality  to  keep
      constraints  and  other  factors.  Every  residents  informed  of  any  significant  residents  informed  of  any  significant
      effort will be made by the Municipality to  changes.                          changes.
      keep   residents   informed   of   any
      significant changes.
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