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      It's wonderful to see what can happen when all levels of government can work together shared funding from federal provincial and
      local levels boost 7 infrastructure projects in Hastings-Lennox and Addington. Shared funding from Federal, Provincial and local levels
      boosts 7 infrastructure projects in Hastings-Lennox and Addington.
      “We  have  listened  patiently  advocated  for  these  three  partner  projects  since  the  since  the  province  quickly  approved  and
      recommended the municipal and not for profit community group applications, some as long as two years ago said Hastings-Lennox
      and Addington MPP Daryl Kramp. “ “We are pleased that all levels of government are now on board and work will soon commence
      across the two counties of Hastings -Lennox and Addington for these much needed projects.”
      In Centre Hastings the Moria Lake trail bridge south of Madoc, a former railway trestle that is currently unusable, will be entirely
      replaced with the new bridge, restoring access to the trail for it's more than 5500 users. Price tag: $994,749
      The  550  km  Hastings  Heritage  Trail  network  managed  by  the  eastern  Ontario  trails  alliance  approved  to  repair  21  smaller  bridge
      structures and repair various sections through grading an resurfacing a price tag of $3,105,001
      Two projects in the Town of Deseronto will address the needs of two user groups. The Deseronto community centre will replace an
      aging roof add a new HVAC system, and create a multi use outdoor sports pad. Price tag $673,050.   Deseronto transit users will see a
      major needed upgrade to their popular Inter-municipal transit system, ICIP funding will cover the cost of two accessible transit buses
      and one specialized assessible Transit van,  new bus shelters and other safety improvements. Price tag: $385,327.00
      The Municipality of Marmora and Lake will see improvements to the much-used Legion Park softball diamond. Price tag: $40,142 and
      the  Kiwanis  Club  of  Tweed  will  rehabilitate  the  Tweed  Kiwanis  Memorial  Park  to  make  it  more  accessible  for  all  users.  Price  tag:
      $423,952. In Lennox and Addington County, the Township of Stone Mills will make a number of major improvements to the Stone Mills
      Recreation Centre with the ICIP funding. New refrigeration piping will be embedded in a brand-new arena floor, the rink boards will be
      replaced and there will be alterations to the Zamboni entrance. Price tag: $1,000,000.
      The  joint  funding  –  $2.6  million  from  federal  government,  $2.2  million  from  the  province  through  the  Community,  Culture  and
      Recreation Infrastructure and the Public Transit Infrastructure streams, and $1.6 million from the applicants – was announced March
      31,  2021  by  Hon.  Catherine  McKenna,  federal  minister  of  Infrastructure  and  Communities,  Hon.  Laurie  Scott,  Ontario’s  Minister  of
      Infrastructure, local MPP Daryl Kramp and David Gerow, Chair of the Eastern Ontario Trails Alliance.

      This event has been postponed
      do to Lockdown order...

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