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                       F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 2   •   I S S U E   0 2   •   V O L U M E   2   •   F R E E

                                     THE 4 ENERGETIC QUALITIES OF A POWERFUL ENTREPRENEUR
                     When it comes to entrepreneurship in the well-being space, energy really is everything. From my own 20+ year journey as
                     an  entrepreneur,  I  know  that  the  unseen  work  is  what  really  brings  your  dreams  into  the  tangible  world.  If  things  are
                     slowing  down  or  going  off  course  in  my  business,  it  doesn't  mean  that  I'm  "bad"  or  "wrong."  It's  simply  a  reflection  of
                     something that's happening inside of me. And if I don't like what I'm seeing in the outside world, I take the first step toward
                     changing my inner world. When I look to shift my energy, these are the four qualities that I focus on. They're the undeniable
                     traits that I've seen all kind, happy, and healthy wellness leaders have in common. This is my invitation for you to cultivate
                     them in your own business in 2022.
   1. Intention: Like all things in life, a strong business starts with a strong intention. Instead of "wanting" or "hoping for" success in your business—
   or in any part of your life, for that matter—I've found that breakthroughs happen when you are actually living and embodying that intention. It's
   very self-empowering to remember that you don't need to wait for someone to give you permission to live your life a certain way. You get to
   decide. This is your life. Be that. Have the courage to live that. Don't wait for someone to tell you that you can have the full-time business or the
   booked-out calendar of clients or the high-paying speaking opportunities; be the person who is already fulfilling that intention.
   2. Courage: As an entrepreneur, you'll be called to step into new levels of courage and power over and over again. This is the biggest sticking point
   when my clients want to make a real shift in their lives and their businesses! Some call it confidence, but, at the beginning of things, I call it
   courage. Being a highly magnetic business owner requires you to embody, project, and be unafraid of your own authentic power. To own who you
   are, and accept who you are not.
   3. Boundaries: You, as an artist, freelancer, professional, and/or business owner, need to have systems in place so that you can feel good and grow
   with ease. Cultivating strong boundaries in your work is a must.
   4. Integrity: Perhaps the most important way you'll attract success with ease is by being in true integrity with your work. This requires drowning
   out the noise of what's going on around you in the industry and tuning into what's true for you and your craft. You must be able to trust yourself
   and your work first so that your community can trust you.

   Moving forward into 2022 is all done with one guiding principle in mind: Your business breakthrough starts within.
   Shari Pearce, President of the Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce
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                                     Volume 2  Issue 02
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