Page 15 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 15


                        The following rules are to be strictly enforced.  Exhibitors, please read them carefully.

        1.    All entries must be registered at the office prior to any            Stock or articles exhibited are of inferior quality, the
            competition. For those who have difficulty placing homecraft            judges are instructed to award only such premium they
            exhibits in the fair Friday morning, the exhibit building will be            think the article deserves. They will exercise their
            open from 7pm to 8:30pm on Thurs.                           discretion as to whether they will award first, second,
        2.  ENTRY TAGS CAN BE PICKED UP AT:  Kelly’s Flowers and            third or any premium.
            Gifts, Johnston’s Pharmacy and Home Hardware.      16.    Exhibitors will be required to bring forward their stock
            Exhibitors with more than 10 items may phone Jennifer Reid            when called for by the judges as no animal will be
            prior to the fair to obtain an exhibitor
            number, 613-827-5279                                        judged unless so brought forward. Exhibitors of all
        3.    Fee for associate membership - $10 which is required for             purebred registered stock must produce registration
                exhibiting.                                             papers when demanded by the judges or directors of
        4.    ALL PRIZE MONEY CHEQUES MUST BE CASHED                    the department.
            BEFORE DECEMBER 31, 2022.                           17.   Any person attempting to impose upon the judges by
         5.    No animal or article to compete for more than one            giving certificates or stock of the articles that are not
                 prize, except specials, calendar year calves and herds.            strictly correct shall be disqualified from receiving any
        6.      Any persons interfering with the judges while in the                 premiums.
                 discharge of their duties will forfeit prizes.   18.    If there are not enough funds on hand to pay prizes in
        7.      Any person exhibiting roots, vegetables, fruits, domestic            full they will be paid pro rata.
                 manufacturer’s and ladies’ work must be the bonafide   19.    Positively no persons will be allowed on the track while
                 grower or maker.                                       the horses are exhibiting.
        8.     No bulls may be judged or allowed on the grounds    20.   Prizes will be mailed within two months after the date
                unless chained or otherwise fastened. All senior ages           of the fair.
                date from the first of July, year preceding the fair.   21.   All articles for the homecraft division must be on the
        9.     Members will be allowed to exhibit as many animals or            grounds by 11 o’clock Friday and must
                articles as they wish in accordance with rules 5 and 10.           be picked up between 3:30 & 4:00pm Sunday
        10.  No person will be allowed to enter for exhibition more
               than one specimen in a section. This rule does not apply       ENTRY TAGS MUST BE ATTACHED.
                to animals.
        11.  No sacks, bags or items for exhibit will be admitted with    22.  All exhibitors winning prize money must make out a list of
               marks, names or initials on them, whereby owner may   winnings and send to treasurer within 10 days after the
               be known.                                           exhibition is held.
        12.  While the committee will take every precaution to    23.  An exhibitor must absent himself from buildings during
                secure the safety of animals and articles, be they
                injured or stolen, and the directors will give all   judging.
                assistance in their power for the recovery of same, no    24. Exhibitors of animals must have liability insurance for same.
                payment will be made for the value thereof.    25. Horse/Pony pulls—all teamsters must show proof of $2MM
        13.   All protests are to be made to the secretary within two    insurance coverage.
                days with a fee of $25, said fee to be forfeited to the     26.  As a result of inclement weather, or any other
                society if the protest is not sustained.              occurrence that may be considered a risk to public
        14.   No articles exhibited shall be removed from the            safety, MAS executive directors may cancel any event
                grounds or taken down from the hall until 3:30 pm of          without prior notice.
                the third day of the show. Any person doing so without
                permission shall forfeit all prize money.
        15.   In the absence of competition in any class, or if the

                                   Anyone wishing to sponsor classes, please contact the Chairperson
                                              before March 1  of the following year.
                                                         Thank you
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20