Page 18 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 18


                                                        SATURDAY 11 AM
                                              Director: Caitlyn Downey 613-661-7937
                                   Teams must be on the grounds by 10:00 a.m. to be weighed in.

                                     All teamsters must show proof of $2M insurance coverage.
                                     (Note Order: Light Horse, Heavy Horse, Light Pony, Heavy

                                           $10 membership fee required for all exhibitors
                                                   payable at the entrance gate.

               Rules and Regulations will be announced before the draw, as supplied by the Ottawa Valley Horse
               Drawing Association.   Random Drug Testing may be conducted by OVHDA

               PRIZE MONEY:
               Light -1 : $160, 2nd: $140, 3 : $120, 4 : $110
               Heavy - 1st: $160, 2nd: $140, 3rd: $120, 4th: $110
               Non Winning Qualifying Teams:  $100 each if completed one round

               Non Winning Qualifying Teams: $100 each

                                                     PONY DRAW

                                                     SATURDAY – NOON
                Eastern Ontario Pony Pulling Association Pulling Rules Approved by members – November 1983

               1.   Light class size 48” and under, Heavy class size 56” and under
               2.   Draw Distance – 15 ft with two attempts—on a 15 ft wide course

               3.   Qualifying – teams required to complete two rounds to qualify for hitch money.

               4.   In the event of equipment breakage not undone, draw must be taken over again- repair time at
                   judge’s discretion.

               5.    One driver to a team.  One may drive more than one team
               6.   Faults disqualifying team: Failing to hitch in three minutes or three attempts to hitch, whichever comes
                   Profane language (either teamsters or helpers). Any unnecessary roughness in handling team while
                 draw is underway, (not necessary to be pulling). All competitors must remain in draw area until
                 competition is finished.
                    Run away team.

                   Light                             $130     $120     $110    $100

                   Heavy                             $130     $120     $110    $100

                   Non Winning Qualifying Teams                                                 $80

                   NOTE: Equipment coming undone is not breakage, i.e. trace unfastened.
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