Page 39 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 39
Creative Crafts
Chairperson: Sandy Tebworth
Committee: Joanne Keller
The Exhibit Building is open on Thursday evening from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. and on Friday morning from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
for entries to be brought in. Entries may be picked up on Sunday afternoon after 3:30 p.m. Doors will be closed at 3:00 p.m.
on Sunday to allow the committees to take down and sort the exhibits.
NOTE: No exhibits shall be taken down from display nor shall they be removed from the building or the grounds until after
3:30 p.m. Sunday. Doing so will result in disqualification of the exhibits and forfeiture of the prize money. (Strictly enforced.)
Entry tags must be attached to each exhibit. Prizes: 1 $5.00, 2 $4.00, 3 $3.00
1. Painting - Watercolour, framed and ready to hang 20. Christmas Centrepiece
2. Painting - Acrylic, framed or mounted canvas, ready to 21. Christmas Decoration
hang 22. Porch/WaIl Leaner Sign, maximum 48", any
3. Special - Pen and Ink drawing season, any theme
First Prize only - $15.00 23. Jewellery Item using beads, stones or crystals
Sponsored by Wanda Burnside in memory of Vera 24. Macrame Item
Burnside 25. Hand-crafted Candle
4. Pencil Sketch, framed and ready to hang 26. Homemade Soap
5. Create a beautiful piece of Art Work using alcohol 27. Hand-crafted Item made from recyclable or
inks. Must be ready to hang or can be displayed on a upcycled material
small table-top easel 28. Item crafted from Duct Tape
6. Create a beautiful piece of Art Work using Mixed 29. Decorated Basket
Media 30. Hand-crafted Greeting Card or Invitation, any
7. Decorative Painting on Glass season, any reason
8. Folk Art on wood 31. Special - Garden Sculpture, maximum height
9. Barn Quilt — no larger than 2' X 2' (60 cm X 60 cm) 24" (60 cm.) any material - glass, wood, metal,
10. Hand-crafted Composition of a Collection of ten (10) stone or ceramic, etc.
Buttons Prize - First place only - $15.00
11. Wood Craft Sponsored by Wanda Burnside, in memory of
12. Driftwood Item, decorated Carl Fitzgerald
13. Special - Harvest Themed Art or Craft using any 32. Bird/Bat/Butterfly House or Feeder, useful
medium or material 1 Prize, $25.00 33. Hobby Craft Exhibit not listed elsewhere
Sponsored by Sandy Tebworth Have you just finished an excellent piece of
14. Special - Scarecrow, maximum 48" work only to find there is not a section to show
1 Prize - $25 it in? Please enter it here.
Sponsored by Sandy Tebworth 34. Special - New Exhibitor Incentive — Please
15. Special - Fall Wreath indicate on all of your entries that you are a
Prizes - 1 $15.00, 2 $10.00, 3 $5.00 new exhibitor. All new exhibitor entries, as well
Sponsored by Sandy Tebworth as competing in Sections 1-35, will compete
16. Special — Fall Centrepiece again in this category for a $15.00 prize
Prizes - $15.00, 2 $10.00, 3 $5.00 Sponsored by Wanda Burnside, in memory of
Sponsored by Sandy Tebworth Muriel Fitzgerald
17. Outdoor/Wall Hallowe'en Decoration 35. Special - Most Outstanding Item in Class 66,
determined by the judge (No entries required)
18. Hallowe'en Treat Holder, bowl or basket One prize only - $15.00
19. Christmas Wreath Sponsored by the Homecraft Division