Page 7 - News On 7 December 2021
P. 7
Understanding Our “Thought Life”, Renewing Our Minds and How to Journal with Intention - By Tracy Richards, XO Life Celebrations -
Madoc, ON
Today is a rainy day. I’m sitting on a deck, under a small covered area, watching the raindrops fall and listening to
the sound of tires whispering and sighing as they roll along the saturated streets beneath me. I came out here
because it was warmer than being inside. The A/C in our apartment is a bit too efficient and I was so cold I couldn’t even
concentrate. Somehow, the ambient noise of the traffic and the rain seem to be providing the necessary “white noise” I need in
order to allow my mind to rest enough to hear the words that want or need to be spoken today. It’s kind of like how some
people put on ocean sounds to help their minds relax when going to sleep, I guess. The mind is a funny thing, isn’t it? To
read more click here!
O'HARA MILL LOTTERY WINNERS - 2nd Draw, November 10, 2021
$1,000 WINNER...........Tammi McBeath $500 WINNER.... Shawn Trotter
$105 WINNERS: Michelle Calambakas, Kristi Reid, Maddlyn Bush, Scott
$75 WINNERS: Colby Bird, Lynn and Judy Hagerman, Joanne Lebert,
Robert Empey, Anne Marie McBeath, John and Jo Beer, Jerry Nuttall, Ada
Kortekaas, Liam Millar, Heather Burnside.
$25 WINNERS: Chris Ellis, Frank Brooks, Colin Bush, Barb Rivers, Debby
Storring, Dianne Spencer, John Thomas. Dale Blakely, Karen Godfree,
Doug and Jan Hunter.
Third draw will be at O'Hara Mill Christmas Event. December 4th
Joanne Bacon, seller of winning ticket,
Tammi McBeath $1,000 winner and Nancy
Moorcroft, O'Hara lottery coordinator.
Kudos to Gerald Pack for submitting his article, “Third Generation Tractor Receives a Facelift 9N Ford.” I thoroughly enjoyed
reading about Gerald’s “9N” and it brought back many memories for me, because my father farmed with a “9N.” Seeing a “9N”
again, even only a picture of one, made me remember its many unique features. Seeing the names in print of the many “old-
timers” in the area, I’m sure, spurred much reminiscing about them by their contemporaries or, perhaps the descendants of
those people mentioned.
Good work Gerald! Thanks for sharing your story.
Ellen R.
Many thanks to our sponsors and volunteers. This event would not be
possible without your generosity.
Thank you! Thank you!
Festival was a huge success, we would like to wish everyone in our
community a Very Merry Christmas!