Page 5 - News On 7 June 2021
P. 5

        Written by Olga Nikolajev

        During the month of May we highlight the work of palliative care and celebrate those that give of themselves to be part of an end-of-
        life care team providing support, comfort and guidance. The end-of-life care team may include a palliative care physician, a pain and
        symptom management nurse, hospice volunteers, a social worker, chaplain, personal support worker AND an end-of-life doula. You
        may be like many others, who have not heard of end-of-life doulas or death doulas or thanadoulas as they are sometimes called.

        So what is an end of life doula? Like a birth doula, an end-of-life doula provides emotional, physical, practical and spiritual support
        during a stressful time but unlike the birth doula, an end-of-life doula provides support at the end of life.  End of life doulas are part
        of a social movement who are supporting communities to enhance their death literacy, defined as “a set of knowledge and skills to
        understand and act upon end of life and death care options.” End of life doulas often provide death and bereavement education,
        assist in resource gathering and companioning through the end-of-life experience.

        There  are  end  of  life  doulas  across  the  world  who  are  serving  in  their  own  communities  to
        provide support and care with the intent to enhance the quality of life for both the person dying
        and those that care for them. End of life doulas do not replace any member of the care team but
        rather enhance the end-of-life experience for the person dying and their caregivers, family and
        friends, including members of the care team. End of life doulas have the potential to enhance the
        end-of-life care team by facilitating advance care planning conversations, capturing a person’s
        wishes  and  educating  the  family  about  options  and  choices  for  their  end-of-life  experience,
        which may include post death care, creating legacy projects and supporting life reviews.

        Currently end of life doulas are not part of our Canadian health care system but many of those
        that work in healthcare have received the training and have the skills to provide support to their
        patients using a “doula way.” End of life doulas have been highlighted in the news and the public is
        curious to know and learn more illustrated by the interest in end-of-life doula training.
        There are end of life doulas across the world who are serving in their own communities to provide support and care with the intent
        to enhance the quality of life for both the person dying and those that care for them. End of life doulas do not replace any member of
        the care team but rather enhance the end-of-life experience for the person dying and their caregivers, family and friends, including
        members of the care team. End of life doulas have the potential to enhance the end-of-life care team by facilitating advance care
        planning  conversations,  capturing  a  person’s  wishes  and  educating  the  family  about  options  and  choices  for  their  end-of-life
        experience, which may include post death care, creating legacy projects and supporting life reviews.

        Currently end of life doulas are not part of our Canadian health care system but many of those that work in healthcare have received
        the training and have the skills to provide support to their patients using a “doula way.” End of life doulas have been highlighted in
        the news and the public is curious to know and learn more illustrated by the interest in end-of-life doula training.

        Douglas College End of Life Doula course is designed for those that are or will be called the serve the dying and the bereaved. The
        course is offered across Canada and aims to provide a deeper understanding of the questions and issues that arise in end-of-life care,
        planning  and  preparing.  The  course  is  open  to  anyone  and  is  currently  offered  on-line.  While  there  are  a  number  of  end-of-life
        doula/death  doula/thanadoula  training  opportunities  across  the  world,  it  is  important  that  both  the  end-of-life  doula  and  their
        clients have a good understanding of the role, scope of practice, limitations and ethical responsibilities, especially as it pertains to the
        legal frameworks that exist and impact health care and after death care decisions.  As the demand for high quality end of life care
        increases may end of life doulas enhance the care team so that everyone can be educated and empowered through their end-of-life

        Olga Nikolajev is an End-of-Life Nurse Educator at
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