Page 10 - News On 7 June 2021
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The Municipality of Centre Hastings is inviting members of     Centre Hasting Municipality is working hard to get the
       the public to participate in a photo contest.                  park  up  and  running  for  the  summer  season!  Many
       Take Your Best Shot!                                           wonderful staff have been hired and many features are
       We  need  your  help!  We  want  to  know  what  “Your  Centre  now open with more to come as they are ready. Please
       Hastings” looks like.                                          follow all covid protocols to keep our community safe!
       Our  Municipality  is  looking  to  expand  our  repertoire  of  We look forward to seeing you at our wonderful park
       photos  to  showcase  what  Centre  Hastings  has  to  offer!  Do  this summer!
       you have great photos of your latest excursion, your happy
       place, a special moment, or amazing things you have found      Sale  of  Land  By  Public  Tender  –
       within the municipality? We would love to see them! This is    Municipal Property
       an opportunity for you to show off your photography skills
       and your community and these pictures could be used on our
       website or for future publications.                            The  Municipality  of  Centre  Hastings  is  conducting  a
       The contest will run from June 1, 2021 through July 31, 2021   sale of land by public tender. Take Notice that tenders
       and the winners will be chosen by a panel of municipal staff.  are invited for the purchase of the lands described and
       There will be a first, second and third prize awarded to the   will  be  received  until  1:00  p.m.  local  time  on  June  10,
       individuals  who  submit  the  winning  photos.  Winners  will  2021,  at  the  Centre  Hastings  Municipal  Office,  7
       receive a $50.00 gift card/certificate of their choice from a  Furnace St., Madoc Ontario.
       retail  store  or  service  provider  within  the  Municipality  of
       Centre Hastings.                                               Note that this sale of land by public tender is separate
       How to Enter:                                                  from  the  sale  of  land  by  public  tender  under  tax  sale
          Take  an  original  still  photo  in  digital  format  showing  legislation. For details on this sale, please visit Sale of
          Centre  Hastings  uniqueness.  Submit  it  by  email  to    Land By Public Tender – Tax Sale.
                                    There  are  two  groups  of  property  available  for
          Photos must be submitted in digital format, as a .jpeg file  purchase.
          and be at least 1600 pixels wide and no larger than 4MB     Group  1:  6  Properties,  minimum  tender  amounts  for
          (4,000 KB).                                                 each  parcel  have  been  set  at  $10,000  each.  For  full
          All submissions must include your name, mailing address,    details,  a  full  list  of  the  lands  available,  and  how  to
          phone number, and email address of the person who took      submit a tender please visit
          the picture.
          Please  read,  sign,  and  return  the  Photo  contest  Release  Group  2:  1  Property,  Request  for  Proposal,  minimum
          Rules and Consent form, along with your image(s). Please    tender amount set at $150,000. For full details, a full list
          note  that  any  photo  of  a  recognizable  person  or  minor  of  the  lands  available,  and  how  to  submit  a  tender
          must  also  complete  and  submit this  photo  release  form  please visit
          with  the  submission.  Forms  can  be  submitted  with  the
          photo, or dropped off at the Municipal Office at 7 Furnace
          Street, Madoc ON.
       Good Luck to all!                                                                          TD Bank
                                                                                               Fire City Centre
                                                                                            Countree Folk Canada
                                                                                        Triple B Electrical Services Ltd.
                                                                                               Trax Accounting
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