Page 39 - 2022 Fair Book
P. 39

        Chairperson: Cheri Doyle
        Committee: Joan Wilson, Shauna Vierich, Lynn Hall
        NOTE: S.A. — Means Sample must be attached to each item listed

        RUGS, QUILTS, ETC.
        Prizes: 1 $8.00, 2 $5.00, 3  $4.00
        HC1    Tote bag, machined quilted.
        HC2    Any Article in Counted Cross Stitch.                                 Ontario Association
        HC3    Hand-Quilted Wall Hanging.                                         Of Agriculture Societies
        HC4    3 Quilt Blocks (mounted on Bristol board).               Hand quilted Championship quilt competition
        HC5    Patchwork Crib Quilt, hand quilted                    Competition begins at the local fair and continues
        HC6    Patchwork Crib Quilt machine quilted                  through District III Competition, where the prizes are
        HC7    Crib Quilt made from a purchased panel or square.     $25, $15 and $10. The first place winning hand-quilted
        HC8    Machine Quilted Christmas Tree Skirt                  quilts at district competition are eligible to enter the
        HC9    Hand Quilted Table Runner.                            O.A.A.S. Championship Quilting Competition at the
        HC10  Walt Hanging, machine quilted                          annual convention in Toronto. The entry judged Best of
        HC11  Rug Handmade.                                          Show at the February Convention will be declared the
                                                                     Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies
        QUILTS                                                       Championship Quilt. A $500.00 Grand Prize and a
        PRIZES: 1  - $10:  2  - $8:  3  - $6                         $100 Reserve Grand prize will be awarded and the
        HC12  Crib Quilt made from a Printed Panel, machine quilted.   exhibitors will retain ownership of the quilts. A
        HC13  Table Runner, machine quilted.                         certificate and ribbon will also be awarded to the
        HC14  Quilt, pieced and machine quilted                      winner.
        HC15  Quilt made from Printed Panels or Squares, hand quilted   · Entry must have been judged the Grand Champion
        HC16  Quilt, pieced and appliqued                            Quilt of all classes at the local fair. If any Entry wins
        HC17  Quilt made from printed panels or squares machine quilted  Grand Champion at more than one fair, the other fairs
        HC18  Quilt Top, pieced, not quilted, twin or larger size    at which this quilt was entered and won, should enter
        HC19  Lap Quilt, hand quilted.                               their Reserve Champion Quilt in the District III
        HC20  Lap Quilt, machine quilted                             competition.
        HC21  Afghan, knitted or crocheted, not less than 40”x60”
        HC22  Quilt suitable for a Child’s Room                      Note: If an exhibitor wins Grand Champion at other
        HC23  3 Paper-pieced Quilt Blocks, mounted on Bristol board   than his/her own Fair, or more than one fair, the
        HC24  Quilt made by more than one person, hand quilted.      exhibitor must consider the Agricultural Society nearest
        HC25  Quilt made by more than one person, machine quilted    his/her home address as the one from which the quilt
        HC26  Quilt, pieced, hand quilted.                           will be sent to the district meeting.
                                                                     · Entry must be a minimum of 324” measured on the
        CLASS 65                                                     perimeter (smaller quilts will not be eligible to proceed
                                                                     to next level of competition).
        GOLDEN AGE – ( 60 yrs. and over)                             · Entry must be solely made and hand quilted by a
        PRIZES: 1  - $8:  2  - $5:  3  - $4                          group or individual who is a member of the Madoc
        GA1  Mitts, hand knitted.                                    Agricultural Society. (payment of $6.00 membership
        GA2  Pair of Pot Holders, your choice.                       fee).
        GA3  Crocheted Article, your choice.                         · Upon making an entry into the O.A.A.S.  Quilting
        GA4  Knitted Article, your choice.                           Competition, the exhibitor agrees to participate
        GA5  Cushion Cover                                            in any promotional activities related to the competition.
        GA6  Hat, hand knit or crocheted                             · The winning OAAS Champion Quilt will not be eligible
        GA7. Any Article Not Listed                                  to compete in any future district and or convention
                                                                     OAAS competition.
        OA1.    Exhibitor with most points combined in Class 63 & 64
                    $15 donated by: Hart’s Riggs W.I.
        OA2.    New Exhibitor with most points combined in Classes           Machine Quilted Quilt Competition
               63, 64 & 65—$25 donated by: Else Verich
        OA3.    Quilt Best In Show                                          The above rules and prizes apply to this
                    $20 donated by: Cherie & Fred Doyle                               competition also.
        OA4.    Exhibitor with most points in class 65
                    $15 donated by Homecraft Division
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