Page 19 - September 2022 News On 7
P. 19


     Marmora & Lake Public Library
     Over  the  years,  our  library  has  received  book
     donations in memory of individuals who have passed.
     Some  of  these  memorial  donations  have  become
     outdated/worn  and  are  being  pulled  from  our
     collection.            If  a  family  member  or  friend
                            would  like  to  have  any  of
                            these  books  as  a  memento,
                            please  call  the  library  to
                            arrange to pick up the items.
                            Otherwise,  these  materials
                            will  become  part  of  our
                            Friends of the Library book

     sale.  Our  list  of  memorial  books  can  be  found  here

     Tweed Public Library
     A BIG thank you to Kali from Zoo To You for such an
     engaging  wildlife  experience  yesterday!  What  a  great
     way to end our summer program!

                                                                Madoc Public Library
                                                                The Bridgerton series is in!!!!!
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