Page 14 - September 2022 News On 7
P. 14



    MARMORA AND LAKE IS LOOKING                      Marmora  showcases  local  talent  during  the  town’s  200th
    FOR TWO (2) SEASONAL ARENA                       birthday
    OPERATORS POSITION SUMMARY                       Older than Canada itself, Marmora celebrated their strong and centuries
    The Municipality of Marmora and Lake is          old  community  spirit  with  a  full  day’s  worth  of  events.    A  pancake
    seeking two (2) hardworking, motivated           breakfast started off the day which later saw families venturing out into
    team players to work in the Marmora and          the Marmora fairgrounds to laugh, play, eat and shop.
    Lake Arena as a seasonal arena operator.         One highlight of the day’s events was a talent show opened to anyone in
     Learn More go to:                               attendance.  Those  community  members  brave  enough  to  walk  out  in           front  of  the  crowd  delighted  the  audience  with  a  myriad  of  unique
    /8/19/join-our-team-marmora-and-lake-            performances.  For  the  thousands  of  attendees,  the  opportunity  to
    is-looking-for-two-2-seasonal-arena-             participate  and  celebrate  their  community  was  something  that  was
    operators                                        missing  for  the  past  three  years.    To  read  more  go  to:

    A huge shout out to the Marmora Quilters
    group (Sheila Ylipelkola, Judy Jackson, Betty
    Bonnema,  Jean  Jermyn  and  Irene  Harding)
    for making and donating a commemorative
    200th Anniversary of Marmora quilt.
    Come  on  in  to  the  municipal  Tourism
    Centre to view this stunning piece of local

                                                     On  August  18,  2022,  Mayor  Jan  O'Neill  gave  an  appreciation
                                                     presentation  on  behalf  of  the  municipality  to  the  staff  at  Caressant
                                                     Care in Marmora and Lake for their efforts during Covid.
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