Page 9 - September 2022 News On 7
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                                                                          SAVINGS  ACCOUNT  MEAN  FOR  NEW

                                                                          In  the  2022  Federal  Budget,  Deputy  Prime
                                                                          Minister   of   Finance,   Chrystia   Freeland
                                                                          announced  a  new  tax-free  plan  to  help  more
                                                                          Canadians buy their first home and get into the
                                                                          housing  market  –  the  First  Home  Savings
                                                                          Account (FHSA). Here are some of the basics you
                                                                          need  to  know  if  you  plan  to  take  advantage  of
                                                                          this opportunity:    Eligibility  requirements  -  To
                                                                          be eligible to open an FHSA, a contributor must:
                                                                          be a resident of Canada, at least 18 years old and
                                                                          not  have  lived  in  a  home  they  own  in  the  year
                                                                          that the account is opened, or the previous four
                                                                          years.  Making  contributions  -  Contributions  to
                                                                          the  plan  will  be  tax  deductible  (like  RRSP
                                                                          contributions),  and  growth  inside  an  FHSA  will
                                                                          be tax deferred (similar to RRSP and TFSA
     earnings). Eligible contributors will be able to contribute up to $8,000 per year to the First Home Savings Account (FHSA),
     up to a lifetime maximum of $40,000.
     Using the funds -  Account  holders  will  have  15  years  from  account  opening  to  use  the  funds  in  the  FHSA  towards  the
     purchase of a home. After making a tax-free withdrawal towards the purchase of a home, the account must be closed within
     one year, and an FHSA cannot be opened in the future. Withdrawals for any purpose other than purchasing a first home will
     be fully taxable in the year of withdrawal.
     Something to note, is that the FHSA cannot be used along with the RRSP Home Buyers' Plan (HBP). The federal government
     has  not  yet  announced  when  in  2023  the  FHSA  will  be  available  or  the  finer  details  such  as  qualifying  investments  and
     naming beneficiaries on this account.
     Bottom Line
     Both the FHSA and HBP are effective strategies to use if you are savings for your first home. Which one you choose really
     depends on which strategy will work best for you and help you achieve your goals.

     This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.
     Submitted by Scott Foster

                                                       QUEENSBOROUGH COMMUNITY CENTRE
                                                        “Art With Alex” program! Thanks to Jamie Grant and Tory Byers for
                                                       the  use  of  the  Orange  Hall,  and  of  course  to  artist  Alex  Bulzan  for
                                                       teaching these budding artists!
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