Page 6 - News On 7 April Edition
P. 6

CHRIS’ LIVE BAIT, by Hastings Insider                         THE OLD ORMSBY SCHOOLHOUSE TEA ROOM
      Ask Sandra Vanattan what she loves                                                  A  final  photo  of  today's  crew,
      about  living  and  working  in  a  rural                                           clearing out the last of The Old
      community and she’ll tell you in one                                                Ormsby    Schoolhouse   Tea
      word:                                                                               Room  furnishings,  mementos
                                       “Everything.”                                      and   treasures.   But   the
      To read the whole article please go                                                 recollections remain, and we'll
      to:                                                   share  those  on  this  page  now
      sandra-vanattan-co-owner-of-                                                        and then.
      chris-live-bait/                                           L to R: Debbie, Ernie, Lillian, Gary, Raven and Al. Thanks to them
                                                                 and to everyone who worked at or visited the Tea Room. You all
                                                                 gave 'downtown' Ormsby new memories worthy of this much-
      CENTRAL HASTINGS DETACHMENT MEMBERS SHOW                   loved heritage building.
      THEIR SUPPORT AND APPRECIATION TOWARDS                     More memories still available at The Old Hastings Mercantile &
      GRACE INN SHELTER                                          Gallery,  weekends  through  to  May,  when  we'll  be  open
     (BELLEVILLE,  ONTARIO)  -  Members  of  the  Central  Hastings  everyday.
     Detachment  of  the  Ontario  Provincial  Police  (OPP)  banded
     together  in  an  outdoor  clothing  drive  to  show  their  support  CROWE LAKE WATERWAY ASSOCIATION
     and  appreciation  towards  Grace  Inn  Shelter.  In  an  effort  to  ARE YOU AWARE.
     assist Grace INN towards keeping their homeless community  Havelock-Belmont-Methuen has been approached by interested
     safe  and  warm,  Central  Hastings  officers  donated  outdoor  parties  to  develop  a  five-county  Energy-From-Waste  (EFW)
     clothing to support their cause.                           incineration  site  at  the  Drain  Brothers  Kawartha  Ethanol
     Grace INN is a 21 bed emergency shelter located at 315 Church  Property? Hastings and Prince Edward County Planning was also
     Street  in  downtown  Belleville.  They  provide  semi-private  presented  Feb  16th.  The  site  would  take  waste  from  City  of
     bedrooms, access to shower and laundry facilities for personal  Kawartha   Lakes,   Peterborough   city   and   county,
     use, as well as opportunities for mentorship and community.  Northumberland,  Hastings  and  Prince  Edward  counties  as  well
     Grace INN is committed to meeting the emergency needs of as  as  Belleville  and  Quinte  West.  This  is  the  same  property  that
     many people as possible, giving them the help they need and,  investigated  and  was  denied  a  site  for  contaminated  soil
     making homelessness a part of their past and not their future.  reclamation a number of years ago. CLWA was opposed to the
                                                                reclamation  site  as  it  sits  adjacent  to  Plato  Creek  which  flows
                                                                into the north west end of Crowe Lake.
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