Page 11 - Reduce Syllabus
P. 11
Chapter TOPIC
1. Introduction to Fundamental Concepts of Chemistry
1.6 Modern Periodic Law-Periodic Table Based on Moseley’s contribution
1.7 Classification and Long form of Periodic Table on the basis of Electronic configuration
1.8 Types of elements based on Electronic configuration
2. Hydrogen
2.2 Position of hydrogen in the Periodic table
2.4 Atomic Hydrogen
2.5 Binary Compounds of Hydrogen
3. S-Block Elements
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Group trends in alkali and alkaline earth metals
3.3 Chemical properties of S-blocks elements
3.4 Occurrence and Extraction of Metals
4. P-Block Elements
4.1 Introduction
4.3 Metallurgy of Metals
4.6 Nitric Acid (HNO3)
4.10 Chlorine
5. d- Block Elements (Transition Elements)
5.1 Introduction
5.3 Generals Characteristics
5.6 Copper Sulphate (CuSO4 5H2O)
5.7 Potassium Chromate (K2CrO4)
5.10 Corrosion and its prevention
6. Introduction to Organic Chemistry
6.1 Natural sources of organic compounds
6.4 Polymerization
6.5 Classification of organic compounds or Types of organic compounds
6.6 Homologous series
6.7 Isomerism
6.8 Nomenclature
7. Chemistry of Hydrocarbons
7.1 Open chain and closed chain hydrocarbons
7.3 Chemistry of Ethane
7.4 Chemistry of Ethene
7.5 Chemistry of Ethyne
7.6 Benzene
7.7 The Molecular orbital treatment of Benzene
8. Alkyl Halides
8.1 Classification of alkyl Halides
8.2 Nomenclature
8.4 Mechanism of Nucleophilic substitution Reactions
9. Carbon Compounds with Oxygen Containing Functional Group