Page 12 - Reduce Syllabus
P. 12

9.1    Alcohols
              9.4    Aldehydes and Ketones
            10. Chemistry of Life
              10.1   Definition and Introduction
              10.3   Carbohydrates
              10.4   Amino acids
              10.7   Enzymes
            11. Chemical Industries in Pakistan
              11.1   Fertilizers
              11.3   Glass
              11.5   Plastics
                Guideline for teacher for effective teaching

               To enhance the understanding of students regarding the retained topics, following strategies may
               be adopted for effective teaching learning process:

                   •  Student centred and Inquiry based approach may be adopted to engage the students
                       through assignment, project, presentation and quiz.
                   •  Use ICT in classroom teaching (Video clips) and may be shared on WhatsApp group.


               Long  Questions,  short  Questions,  Numerical  and  Multiple-Choice  Questions  (MCQs)  will  be
               assessed  according  to  above  retained  Topic/subtopics  during  formative  and  summative
               assessment. Moreover, at the end of chapter exercises will also be assessed according to above
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